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" uh..... Sorry mom. I lost track of time." I say, sitting down next to Gavin.

All of a sudden, I feel a tiny hand placed on my leg.

" Hey Gorgeous! Is it getting hot in here, or is that just you?" Gavin says, winking.

I scrap his little hand off of me, and get a piece of the meatloaf my mom made.

".... So how was it with Javon?"

" It was fun. His brother came along and I got to know him, and I brought a friend too!" I say, taking a bit of the meatloaf; immediately regretting it.

" Who'd you bring? Emily? Lisa?"

" WHO'S JAVON- WHY IS HE HANGING OUT WITH MY LADY?" Gavin yells, earning a glare from his mom.

" First of all, I hate Lisa! Second, no I brought someone else- And for the last time, I am not your lady Gavin!"

" Who?"

If Javon could see her, maybe mom can.

" her name's Piper" I say, quietly.

My moms expression quickly changes.

" oh.... Well.... That's nice" My mom says, awkwardly.

" MOM GUESS WHAT???" Gavin says, slamming his hands down on the table.

His mom gives him a stern look.

" Sorry! Anyways- I think Ava likes me!"

" Who's Ava?" Mrs. Magnus says.

" Only the hottest babe I've ever met- Sorry Coco!" He says, whispering the last part.

" Gavin, we don't refer to young women as "babes"! Do you like her back?"

" HA- No! I'm in love with one woman, and one woman only!"

Gavin then makes it supper obvious he's talking about me- dramatically looking over! I feel the 2 bites of meatloaf I ate come back up.

" OKAY- I'm going upstairs!" I say, grabbing my plate.

" But you barely ate!"

" I ate while I was out, so I'm not really hungry!"

" Fine, but remember you have to do the dishes tonight!" Mom yells, from the dinning room.

" Ok, I will." I say, knowing I probably won't.

I throw away the rest of the meatloaf on my plate, and head upstairs.

I get on my bed and scroll through TikTok, till I got a text.


Javon😳😍, 6:15pm: I'm bored.

Javon😳😍, 6:15pm: Wyd?

Coco, 6:16pm: Nothing, just scrolling on TikTok

Javon😳😍, 6:16pm: How'd the dinner go?

Coco, 6:17pm: Ok. This little kid wouldn't leave me alone tho. Plus, the food tasted like shit🥴

Javon😳😍, 6:20pm: That sucks😂

Coco, 6:21: yeah. Well I gtg, Piper wants to watch some movies.

Javon😳😍, 6:22: Okay, ttyl?

Coco, 6:22: Yeah, bye✌️

Javon😳😍, 6:23: bye❤️



I get up to grab my remote. When I look back at my bed, Piper's sitting on it in PJs.

" I love sleepovers!!! What are we watching?" Piper says.

" I have no idea. What movies do you like?"

" Princess!!!!"

" hehe- Yeah no. How about we watch a romcom?"

" what's that?"

I dramatically gasp.

" Y-You don't know what a romcom is???" I say, with my hand against my chest.

Piper shakes her head.

I sit on my bed, and immediately go on to Netflix.

We watch about 3 different romcoms, before heading to bed.

" I like romcoms" Piper says, tiredly.

" I had a feeling you would."

All of a sudden, Piper grabs her head just like she did earlier. Only this time, her eye are filled with tears.

" oh my god- are you okay?"

" yeah I'm fi- aghhh" She says, groaning in pain.


I grab my pain killers from my side table, and grab some water from the bathroom sink ( A/N: DISGUSTING!).

" Here, take this." I say gently, handing her two pills.

She immediately puts them in her mouth, and washes it down with water. After about 10 minutes, she relaxes some.

" Are you sure this is okay? Like seriously- I'm worried." I say, laying down on my pillow.

" yeah I'm okay.... Probably just tired."

Even tho I'm still skeptical, I nod and move on from the topic.

"Can I ask you something Piper?" I say, laying next to her.

" yeah."

" Do you wanna go out with me and my friends again tomorrow?"

Published: 2/13/23

Edited: 11/22/23

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