Never Existed!

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" Piper, what should I wear? Today is my first day of school!" I say, throwing clothes on the ground.

" I don't know! We're going into 4th grade- Well you are, i'm not."

" yeah.... You need to help me" I say, whining.

I then dramatically collapse on my bed.

" Why don't you ask your mom?"

" Your right! Brb!"

I walk out of my room, to see my mom on the couch.

She looks mad.

" Hey Mom? Can you help me?"

" Honey, not right now!" Mom says, anger plastered on her face.

" ok..... I'll just go ask Piper-"

" Oh my god, you and this Piper thing- She's gone Coco!"

" What do you mean? She's in my room right now-"

" YOU HAVE TO STOP THIS! Coco, she's not coming back! Get over it!" Mom says, yelling at me.

I just stand there, startled. My mom never yells at me like this.

I don't exactly know why, but I start to get really emotional.

" s-she's not gone.... Look- She made me this! " I say, holding up my friendship bracelet.

Mom come up to me, grabs my bracelet- and breaks it! I struggle to form words.

" Wh-Why did you do that?" I say, tears filling my eyes.

" Cause I can! Stop with this Piper stuff! Is that clear?"

" m-mom-"


I run into my room, and look around.

" PIPER! PIPER, WHERE ARE YOU?" I say, crying.

" Yes?" She says.

" C-Come on! I-I need to s-show my mom y-your real." I say, trying to grab her hand.

" Coco-"

" Your real, right?"

Piper goes quiet.

" PIPER ANSWER ME! Are you real?"

" I am real.... Just not to her...."

I stand there confused.

" What do you mean, Piper?

" I'm..... your imaginary friend" She says, quietly.

I stand there in shock.

I can't believe this! I wasted so much of my life on someone who doesn't even exist!

" get out!" I demand.

" what? but Coco-"


Piper stands there.

Within a few minutes, she was gone.

Every single memory I had with her, seemed to vanish into thin air.

She's gone.....

Published: 7/16/22

Edited: 10/24/23

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