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" So what are we seeing?" I ask, holding Javon's hand.

" Samaritan. I know, I know I was in it- But I want your opinion! Plus- I had to skip the premiere for a boxing tournament." He says, looking at me as we walk.

" You skipped a world premiere, for a tournament? Damn, that's dedication!"

" yup. I mean, it's not like I missed much. After the tournament, I went home and watched Rocky for the 10,000th time. THAT's- also why this movie is so big for me. I mean, Who gets to work with Sylvester Stallone on a daily basis?" Javon says, passionately.

I smile, as he gushes on, and on about Sylvester Stallone.

We arrive to the theater and get our tickets.


" OMG JAVON YOU DID AMAZING!" I say, as we walk out the theater.

" thank you... tho there's ALOT of room for improvement." He says, with a slight smile.

" OH SHUT UP! You did SO GOOD! We must celebrate! ICE CREAM, ON ME! I say.

He smiles even bigger.

God I love his smile.

We get to the ice cream place and ordered. I ended up getting coffee and vanilla, while Javon got strawberry.

" I can't believe you got strawberry..... That's like the worst flavor ever to exist." I say, eating my ice cream.

Javon gasps dramatically.

" WHO ARE YOU? Strawberry is the best! Chocolate is what sucks."

My jaw drops.

" um, YEAH THIS ISN'T GONNA WORK OUT!" I say, laughing.


" Thanks for taking me out. I had an amazing time, and your super chill" I say, as we walk to my doorstep.

" Same for you! Maybe we could do this more often? I mean, I think we had lots of fun." Javon says, smiling.

" Totally! I'll see you tomorrow, k?"

" Okay, see you soon" He says, giving me a hug.

I walk in my house, and immediately told Emily everything. She went INSANE!


" Yeah.... I think I actually like him!"

" Well I hope! Yall have been in this talking phase for a month."

" That's not long!"


" Whatever, go home. My step-dad will be here soon." I say, starting to walk upstairs.

" Oh yeah.... Forgot you had one of those" Emily says.

" see you tomorrow!"

" yeah whatever" She says, playfully rolling his eyes.

I walk upstairs and close my bedroom door. When I arrive, something felt off...

I sit on my bed, but immediately jump up when I notice someone else is here-

" Hi Coco!"

Published: Still don't know🥲

Edited: 10/27/23

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