The Loss

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" Coco? Honey, mommy needs to talk to you about something!" Mommy says, walking over to my play area.

I look up from my Barbie house.

" Ok mommy!" I say, walking to her.

She picks me up, and sits me on her lap.

" So, remember your friend Lilian?"

" Yup! She's my bestest friend ever!"

Mommy sighs, like how she does when she's talking to Grandma on the phone.

Is something wrong? Did I do something bad?

" Well.... Honey- Lilian um.... Lilian is moving somewhere."

" Really? Is it to a new house? She said to me her daddy had a new girlfriend!" I say, smiling.

Mommy's eyes start to fill with tears.

" What's wrong, Mommy?" I say, putting my hand on her face.

" Remember that place that Daddy went to? Heaven?"

I nod.

" Well that's where Lilian is going. She went there 3 days ago."

" Is that why her mommy canceled our playdate?"

" .... Yes honey. B-But don't worry, one day you'll see her again!"

" Ok. Can I go play with my barbies now?" I say, looking at her.

" Yes honey.... You can go play with your toys now."

I smile, and get off of mommy's lap.

Published~ 6/18/22

Edited~ 10/23/23

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