21 my hot husband

Start from the beginning

"how i am going to control Win" bright said shaking his head. He start to think how he should convince Win that he likes him. Yeah bright finally accepted that he like his sassy husband. In last fifteen days leaving away from he realised that, he had started to like win. but how he is going to convince Win. He for sure know Win is not going to accept him easily. He knows he will definately test him and bright should be ready for that.

After bathing finally when bright came in room ,he looked around and realised win is not there. bright shook his head, he is now well known that, Win loves to ignore things without talking about that.Bright hate that. he likes to talk properly face to face because it reduce misunderstandings. But now he have to cope up with win.Because that is how Win's character is he have to accept win with his flaws and beauty.

Bright came downstairs, already everyone is sitting around dining table looks like they are waiting for him. Bright sit beside Win" sorry for the delay mom" he said looking at his mother his mother just nods to him and said" it's okay son" Win start to serve his husband green chicken curry and then rice. Bright looked at their plates which are already filled "let's start..everything looks delicious...." his dad said and start to eat his food. Then everyone start to eat.

"curry is so good mom...i love you" bright said chewing chicken

"say that to your husband, he is the one who made it" his mom said

Bright looked at win who is munching his food" reallly" he asked

Win nod his head awkawardly not knowing what to say. Because he is still caught up with things which happened in his bathroom.It is the first time win flustered so much that he can't talk. he always talks in any situation , but not now.

Looking at Win reaction bright wanted to laugh. Bright know if it is any other situations win is already yelling at him. But right now he is looking like lost puppy.

"Umm bright" his mom called him. He looked at her while taking spoonful of rice with curry. Getting his attention she start to speak again.

'i and your dad discussing about you both, then we realised something" she said looking at win and bright.

"what" bright asked raising his eyebrow. he knows well that if his mother coming like this softly that means she has mission and at the end he have to agree with her.

"don't look at me like that. I want you and Win to go honeymoon" Bright mom said and happy atom bomb blast in his heart but not the same with person who is beside him.

Bright pov

"Cough............."he start to cough i immidiately poured water in his glass and make him drink. He calmed after sometime. Now you can't escape from me my husband. I will teach how to not ignore your husband.

"are you okay" i asked concerning. he nod to me and then turn to mom.

"but mom, i don't think it is good idea. You know mom condition . What if she suddenly want to see me, can't we go after month" win said while wanting get away from this thing.'nice try ' but i know mom is not going to let him what he want. She is going to send us by hook or crook. There is no use of argument, when it comes to mom. But my bunny don't know that. About honeymoon i know,He is still not ready for this. he think it is still early. he don't know anything about Bright other than he is grumpy, cold,and hot.

"Win baby me and your mother already discussed about this and she is the one who suggested me your favourite place for your honeymoon" She said happily looking at him. Win know he is doomed. Now he has no chances of escaping.

"try to find more reasons to escape" I whispered in his ear, i really want to tease him. Honestly i like his glares and sassy behaviour. Win turned and glared at me.As accepted.

"what..." i said with smirk. he know I am enjoying this.. Looking at my husband i know all He want is punch my face right now but instead he just slammed his foot on my leg.This is unaccepted

"ahhhhh what...the" I asked trying to hold my pain infront of my parents.

"what happen bright" my dad asked me

"he kicked me" i said glaring at win and he looked at me with same glare. Like i will kill you, if you say one more word.

"He smirked at me" win said with the same glare..both father and mother looked at duo with smile then shook their head.

"anyway whatever it is you both are going next week, be prepared. Bright i will send you tickets on line." Bright mom said and he nods to her.

Author pov

Bright entered his room and win is already there. Win looked at his husband who is closing the door. He come towards him and crossed his hand on his chest.Bright turned after locking at the door.He saw how win is looking at him.

"What " bright asked standing face to face.

"what is that" Win asked squinting eyes. Bright knows what Win is pointing at but he want to play.

"what is what" he asked again like he don't know what he is talking.

Win move forward and this time bright breath hitched, somehow Win forcefully made bright back slam on door.Win hold Bright chin with his index finger "don't try to act like dumb Mr. Prime minister and i know what you are playing. You are playing with fire. I want you to stay away from me" Win said looking at his eyes.

Bright blinked his eyes, his sassy bunny now acting like tigress.

" i don't know what you are saying" bright said still not giving up his act.

This time Win left his chin and frustratingly pulled his hair . he is trying to control his anger at his annoying husband.He convinced himself he have to control anger. He calm down and looked at bright and said " why didn't said anything to mom" he asked questioningly...

"about what" bright asked again. Now win can't take it anymore.Win move forward forcing his body on bright and coming face to face...

"Damn it prime minister, why did you agree for honeymoon, You know we can't" win stopped there when he felt bright surround his waist with his hands..

"what we can't" bright asked pulling more closer, there nose are touching each other. He liked how win called him prime minister, which is so sexy.

"you know what they do ....do in honeymoon" He said keep his both hand on bright shoulder because win is sure feeling limp at this closeness with his husband.

"What they do" bright asked with the smirk. Now win definately know his husband is playing. For bright It looks like win is going to cry but he didn't step backward form his play.

"Bright you know stop playing and we...we can't do that, when we literally hate each other" win said to husband, to make him understand in anger..and annoyed face.

"who said we hate each other" Bright asked looking in win's eyes and he don't know why win thinks like that.

"Don't you hate me" win asked with confusion there is no anger now.Just curiosity for his husband answer.instead of giving him answer, bright lean towards him and give him peck on his lips. then looked at win , who is blinking his eyes to know what is happening.

"I like you" bright said and lean to kiss Win....

Author note

real tease is here guys.....

We still have long way but honeymoon is coming soon...

By the way thank you for your support

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