7 Thank you

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After dinner Bright and Win came to their bedroom. Bright sit on his study table and opened his laptop. Where as Win sit on the bed, resting his back on headboard. Win then remembered something he got up from the bed and went to closet. Bright and Win sharing same closet. bright mom helped him to arrange everything. he is grateful to have a such kind and caring mom.

He opened closet , he opened the drawer below  his hanging clothes. Win opened  drawer and took small cute diary, which is pink in colour which has small bunny prints on all over the diary , which are white in colour. This is a gift given by his mom at his birthday. he never used it before but now he felt like he has to use it.

When he took out the diary, smile bloomed on his face. He still remember the day his mom give him this diary saying that' Baby you know we always don't have someone beside us. And we can't speak somethings which are in mind with the other people. But at the same time we want to vomit all the things which are dancing in our mind. If you ever feel you have no one to talk and you have to explain things and clear your mind. Then you should use this diary to write all the things , just think this is your best friend you are explaining things to him.

Win thought this is the day he have to use this. because there are lot things going inside his mind he have to vomit them on paper. To clear up his mind.

He then caressed the Pink colour diary. Inside the diary there is small packets maybe to keep some cards. The diary itself has a small cute pen. At the end of the pen there is small bunny which is hanging on it. Win just smiled at it. His mother always call him bunny, that make sense that this pen has bunny.

 Then he opened his next page , he saw there is his name designed in" My WINNIE BUNNY" in italics. That's when win realized his mother customized this diary for him.When he realized his mother took so much effort to just give him this gift, automatically his eyes start to tear up. All emotions he is keeping when he entered this new come out through this tears. may be this moment just triggered him more.

On the other hand Bright is observing Win movement from the beginning when Win got up from  the bed.He saw how Win took out the Pink diary, which looks like cute but girlish thing according to Bright. But he didn't mind it. Then he saw Win lips curved upwards just looking at this diary, which made some churning in Bright tummy. He didn't understand it. he just avoid that then he saw how win opened the book and caressed the page but this time , Win looks sad. When he saw win sad, he also feel sad. Why he don't know exact answer. may be he is kind enough that's why he felt sad he reasoned it.

But when Bright saw small drop of crystal pearls dropping from Win eyes , he rushingly stood up to go towards the Win. Before bright could reach win , Win dashed in to the bathroom while harshly closing the bathroom door. Bright is startled by the door sound but he ignored it thinking about Win. He is worried about win, no he concerned about Win. Why ,he don't know. may be he is concerned because win is his responsibility, he have to take care of him now. he reasoned himself now.

Win went inside, he don't know why he immediately teared up. may be because it s the first time he is away from his mom. This is the new place for him, he still have to adopt for this place. may be he is missing funny bickering with his mom. may be he is missing his mother warm hug, warm cheek kissed which makes his day, he want to go her and sleep on her lap.

Win stand below the shower , he start the shower. he allow his tears to come an wash away with water. He stand below that for  15 minutes when he calmed himself . He off the shower tap.He took white towel which is arranged neatly in the rack, and wrapped it on his waist and looked at the mirror.

Bright just stand in front of the bathroom door , he is waiting for Win to come out. But he can hear water falling in the shower. After sometime the water falling stop. He thought Win will come out but he didn't come. Bright finally took deep breath , he can't wait more. So he knocked on the door " Win are you okay. if you are still disturbed about the morning incident , i am sorry for  that. i am sorry for acting like the rude man" Bright said thinking that may be he is the reason for the Win tears.

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