10 uneasy feeling

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Bright Pov

I don't know what's going on that little brat brain. i am on my way to dress up properly. He looked like he is going to kill me just by his raging eyes. I don't even know why he is looking like boiling tomato.now without looking at me run in to the bathroom.

I turned went to the dressing room. it takes a time to dress properly. i sit on the chair my team start to work on me. i start to think what i did, which made win behave like boiling in anger. I pinched middle of the my eyebrow, start to think what i did since morning.

I woke up, and directly went to gym.When i came back i saw Win is still sleeping. He looked so innocent, when he is sleeping. I stared him for minute, because it is a nice view. At the same time that view exclusive only, when he is sleeping. After sometime i went to bathroom to take a shower. when i came i saw him talking in phone. So i thought may be he is talking with his mom or dad. Without disturbing him i start to walk out of the room. That's when he growled at me. Moral of the story i didn't do any thing.'is he angry because i didn't greet him when he woke up but he didn't care about me. Fuck this is so confusing' i banged my hand on table.

"sir" My hairstylist called me

"What " i asked him nonchalantly

" It's done, you can change in to your dress"I changed my dress my stylist come towards me with the tie. Then suddenly door of the room burst open. My team gaped at sudden sound.There Win is standing all ready in red sweat shirt and white ripped jeans with white sneakers. He styled very cutely, but his face...oh god he still in anger.

He looking at my stylist who is standing in front of me with the tie. He rushed towards me, with the same expression and glared at the stylist. My stylist suddenly stepped back from me by Win's single glare. it's not simple glare it's death glare. He is in the mode of murdering someone today.

" tie" He said sternly to my stylist. My stylist looked at me and then Win, like asking what to do. Without waiting Win snatched it from her. He stand in front of me. Now his eyes are not as angered as before, he looks little bit cool now. He placed his hand on my neck which holding tie. I don't what he is doing, i just feeling his breath on my face. My gaze fall on his eyes, which have so beautiful and long eyeslashes. He fluttered eyelashes, which made my heart flutter. This is something new now. Then my eyes slowly moved to his nose and finally on his lips. Ohh god his Lips are so plump and pink. They looks like they are filled with the juice, i thought what it feels when i touch them with ...

" Done" Win said dismally, now he again came back to murder mode. I am engrossed so much in thought i didn't realised he already tied my tie.I looked at mirror, look at my tie which is looking perfect now.

" Thank you" i said facing him.

" I am going now" He said and left the place , without even smiling at me. correction without even glancing at me.i shook my head while thinking about which devil posessed him

He stormed out from room. i have no idea why my little brat behaving like this. he is looking so dangerous which is definately opposite to his cut face. But any way i felt good, somehow i think he is accepting me. This caused me smile. And what i am calling my little brat......when he become my little brat...

i came downstairs, went to dining table where my dad and mom are already serving each other . " Good morning mom dad" i greeted them and i sit across the table in front of them. my mom served me while smiling at me. I start to eat my breakfast. but i felt something is missing. Then i realised Win is not here.

I saw my mom and dad eating silently . i called one of the maid" call win for breakfast" i said her , but maid looked at my mom.

My mom gazed at me " You both still didn't clarify your fight"

" What, no we didn't fight" i said hastily. because we didn't fight with each other.  That night we already made up. I already apolize him. We both sleep in each other's embrace. But today he is angry i don't know why..

" Any way , he told me he is going to his friend home and he will come directly for dinner" My mom said and start to eat her food. But Win didn't told me anything about it. By the way he is new in this in country how can it is possible to have a friends here. I am so confused and frustrated. i think i never frustrated this much when i am fighting for PM position. God this guy is giving me headache.

" Mom how can you leave him like this, he is new in this country. how can he has friends here" I asked her contemplatively. I don't want to risk his life.

" Don't worry she came from his country, she is living in resort here. by the way the body guards are with him" my mom said nonchalantly without looking at me still munching her food.But i stopped eating hearing her words.

" SHE..." Whatever my mom said the only word i gasped is she. So he went to meet friend at this early in the morning.What is that most important thing they both have this morning. Is she really his friend or girl friend. is he hiding something from me. He already told me we are in this relationship because of our country relation. i didn't have expected more from him. but i am still feeling uneasyness my heart.I chewed my food as soon as possible. I have to ignore that uneasiness. But it feels weired thinking about he is talking with someone else with his cute smile...while with me all he do is glaring, bickering and scolding.I am so angry right now but don't know why...

I bid bye to my mom and dad. My assistant is already waiting for me in front of my car. When i reach the car , head of my security team, Boss opened the car door for me. I settled in my place  thinking about what to do. i have to remove  this uneasy thoughts about Win.

My assistant sit at passenger seat. My car start to move. i took out my mobile from my pant pocket and think about calling Win. I opened the contact list and then i realised i don't have his number " Fuck" I growled loudly.

My driver immediately stopped the car and my assistant looked at me with concern and asked " are you ok sir"

" i am " i said pensively, what should i tell him i don't have my husband number. now i remembered most of the time i contacted Win through my assistant. Then he must be having Win number.The driver start our car once again after listening me.

" man do you have Win number"  I finally asked. He gazed at me up and down like i am some use less person or crazy person on  the earth. I think after Win coming in my life, My PM charm is fading day by day. If he is going to make me frustrated like each day, i  am going to to look like oldy.

" Yes sir i will send you" He told me and turn to face road.

Gosh what this little brat doing to me......

Author note

Gosh literally i also don't know what i am writing...but i am liking how they both are confused. How they both are jealous. And they don't know why they are getting angry on each other. Wether is changing in their life. Slow burning....... I am liking how the story is going...what do you think about the story.

Anyways guys i love yu all

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