11 ready for another lecture

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Man gave me my husband number. ok i decided call each other as husbands, because whenever i say him wife, he looks at me like he want to kill me.I start to call win. it start to ring but he didn't received my call. Why he is not receiving my call,is he that much busy with that girl. can't he see his husband is calling him. I have to give him another lecture. Once again i called two times he didn't received.So i called Max his body guard.

" Hello sir good morning" max said

" Max where is win" i asked furiously

" Sir is inside, we are guarding him at door" He said slowly , may be he scared of my sound now. i never scared any people like this before. this is all because of only single person, that little brat.I always calm and kind to person. if i act like this i never be in this position. but no one in my life never irritated like this.

" Give him phone " I replied this time calmly and firmly.

" yes sir" Max said i wait for him to give mobile to win

"Sir Win, Prime minister sir is on the call" He said , only that much i heard

" Hello" he said like i am irritating him. I think my dam of controlling my emotions burst and i yelled at him.

" What the fuck Win, where the hell are you. I am tolerating you doesn't mean you can do anything. You are acting like 5 year kid. Look win i don't know what you did in your past but now you have to remember you are prime minister husband. And why the hell you didn't told me you are going out . It is the last time i am warning you stop acting like a brat. exactly at 5.30 pm i want you in my home. if not, you are going to face consequences" i yelled and disconnect the call. I closed my eyes and leaned on the seat.

" sir we are here" my assistant told me and opened the door for me.

Win pov

He disconnect his call after yelling at me. he even didn't give me chance to talk. if he only wanted to  talk then why he called me.

" fucking jerk" i yelled and going to throw mobile , but Max stopped me.

" don't stop me max, your boss is acting like a jerk. if he wanted to yell at me hen why did he called me." i said furiously, max stayed silent still holding my hand.

" sir that's my mobile" Ohh shit i am going to throw his mobile because of my jerk husband. husband my foot. I never going to call him that. Ego stuffed baboon , always his face looks ass of lion tailed macaque. I gave max his mobile back.

" max tul if he calls you again and tell you to give me. Please don't give that mobile to me. i hate that jerk now." i said and both max and tul looked at each other.

" But sir prime minister is our boss, we can't reject them" this time tul said worriedly. i sighed. poor guys are doing there work, i can't risk their job.

" Just tell him i don't want to talk him" i said and went inside the room.

I went to the room where me and pear are working. I slouched on the couch, she is working on study table.
" Why are you releasing smoke from your all holes" Another irritatinng person after my husband asked me.

" That fucking jerk yelled at me. He even give me time to explain things to me. I don't no how we are going to deal with each other daily its just the begining. Ohh grand paa what you had done to me" I said and closed the my eyes.

" Did you tell your husband about you are meeting me here" pear asked me while typing on the keyboard. I opened my eyes and saw her fingers are moving on keyboard at 100 speed.

" No i didn't, why should i tell him. " I asked her back.

" Then you are okay 'if bright went to any girl home to meet her without informing you' right win" she asked me. This time she stopped typing looked at me like she is waiting for him. I will kill that bastard if he goes to meet other women behind me.

" I will go and kill him"I said frustrating running my fingers through my hair.

" Then he is better than you he just yelled at you not think to kill you" My friend said. Now i am confused. Why she said things clearly to me.I can't fathom what her trying to say.

" What do you mean, can you say me clearly" I yelled at her.

" You are dumb win. I showed whole picture to you. You are now asking what is the name of the film" She said paused for a bit. Then shook her head and get of from her chair come towards me. She sit beside me while tying her hair in to small bun, then start to speak again" You idiot you came here without telling your husband. May be your husband thinking that i am your girlfriend. I think his blood boiling now" Shit she is correct. Why didn't i thought about it. Because you are dumb win.

"But i am gay" i said looking at her hopefully.

" But he don't know about it" She said and i don't want to agree her but she is damn correct. I am really dumbest person now.

" I don't think he knows i am meeting girl" I said this time feeling little bit relief. Absolutely how can he know i never told him. Pear looked at me like 'i am the most dumb person in world'

" He is prime minister win and by the way your body guards give each information about you to him" Again she is correct. Now i remembered i also told mom i am going to meet my childhood friend pear. May be mom told him about me.

I rubbed my face with the palms and said myself ' be ready to another lecture'

Author note

Okay here is another chapter as you guys asked about it

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Prime minister Is My Husbandजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें