-Chapter 13 Hobbit-

Start from the beginning

Back at Erebor, Kili yells, "I'm going over the wall! Who's coming with me?" The other dwarves cheer in agreement, preparing to climb down, but Thorin stops them, saying, "Stand down!" One dwarf asks, "What?" Fili adds, "Are we to do nothing?" Thorin then yells, "I said STAND DOWN!" He then walks away, leaving the other dwarves looking at his back in shock.

Back on the battlefield, the orcs are still charging. The elves behind the dwarves start raining arrows at the running orcs, mowing a good amount down before they even reach the dwarven formation. As they finally run into it, they are stopped by the phalanx, pushing them back. The dwarves then stand up from their phalanx and charge the orcs, mowing them down with their spears. The elves fire upon the orc formations farther away.

Back in front of Dale, Maira arrives at the big catapult trolls. She stops before the wall of Dale on a small rise that overlooks the city. She bends over and, just as they want to shoot, a person appears on one of the trolls. She decapitates one orc, slices another one in half, and kicks the leader orc from the back of the troll. She jumps on the troll's head and rams her sword into it. As the troll falls forward, she slides off. The archers on the wall look at her in shock. Someone capable of killing one of the trolls with ease must be a strong person, but soon after, they start shooting again.

Maira runs over to the second troll, coating her sword in fire and jamming it into the troll's stomach. The flames on her sword start spreading until they envelop the whole troll, turning it and the orcs onboard to ash.

Azog, standing on his command post, is shocked at the trolls just dying in front of Dale. Maira teleports onto the wall to the archers, grabs a bow and arrows, and starts shooting at the orcs. Every shot is a kill. She then sees a troll with what looks like a battering ram helmet on and yells, "All men, concentrate fire on the battering ram troll!" The archers start shooting at the battering ram troll, and she joins them. After some shots, she hits it right in the eye, skewering its brain and killing it instantly, just before it could hit the wall.

Maira smirks, thinking, 'I bet Azog is beyond mad.' Just at that moment, reinforcements in the form of elven archers arrive on the wall, starting to skewer the orcs with arrows.

Meanwhile, outside Erebor, things are not looking good. The elves have moved to Dale to fortify, and the dwarves are now outnumbered. One orc manages to kill Dain's war pig, and he shouts, "You buggers!" He begins killing orcs left and right, even headbutting one. He yells, "Where's Thorin?! We need him! Where is he?"

Azog, not being satisfied with Dale, looks at Erebor and sees that his armies have more success there. He says, "-Let these lands run with blood! Slaughter them all.-"

Inside Erebor, Thorin, the so-called 'great' King Under the Mountain, is sitting on his throne. Dwalin approaches him, asking, "Since when do we forsake our own people? Thorin, they are dying out there." Thorin answers, "There are halls beneath halls within this mountain - places we can fortify." Dwalin looks at him with disappointment and anger, continuing, "Shore up, make safe. Yes..." He looks almost possessed. "...Yes - that is it. We must move the gold further underground - to safety!"

Thorin begins walking away, but Dwalin calls out to him in anger, "Did you not hear me?! Dain is surrounded! They're being slaughtered, Thorin." Thorin answers, "Many die in war. Life is cheap. But a treasure such as this cannot be counted in lives lost. It is worth all the blood we can spend!"

Dwalin looks even more angry at Thorin's disregard for life. He shouts, "You sit here in these vast halls, with a crown upon your head, and yet you are lesser now than you have ever been." Thorin looks at him angrily, "Do not speak to me as if I were some lowly dwarf lord..." As he speaks, Thorin is clearly mentally affected. "As-As if I were still...Thorin...Oakenshield." He then roars, "I AM YOUR KING!" He pulls out his sword but is unbalanced, almost falling over.

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