Farewell, My Love.

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unsent confession letters of a broken writer.

| Letter 002.

And suddenly, all the sad songs are about you.

I've never imagined nor expected us to end up in a place where separation would be the only thing to save each other from falling apart. The heavens know how much energy, love, and soul I laid on the table just to keep our love burning like the first day. I have missed it so much; how you used to look at me with sheer passion and desire. How I felt your warmth with just a single glance. You know how much tears I cried begging for you to have time for me. Begging for you to see me. To hold me. To love me.

Maybe things just went crazy. I was left with all the remnants and leftovers of your love. I have never wanted us to be in this place, my love. You know how many times I cried myself to sleep thinking where it all went wrong. I have done things beyond my way just to keep you here with me. To take care of you. To be the embodiment of what you deserve.

But God was I became consumed. I was left with no remaining parts of me because I willingly gave them to you, to us. I don't have anything to blame you for. But I just want to have something to be sad about. And that's the fact that I'm losing myself as I try to keep you, beg for you, beg for your love and all the efforts that you once gave me. I was and am still longing for them.

And suddenly, all the sad songs are about you.

I don't want to hear any of the songs that you used to sing to me whenever I'm feeling down and sulking. I don't want to see anything that will just remind me of you. My love, this unsaid confession may serve as one of our greatest lessons in love.

I need you here right now. I want to pull your arms closer to me. But I have no right to do that anymore because now you gave up. I want you to be the one that I will cling to the most because I'm at my lowest. But I don't blame you for walking away and for leaving because I know that you need it. Take care always, it's the least thing that you can do for me.

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