Chapter 4

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Walking to his dorm with pure disappointment, Ryan couldn't grasp the fact that this place is actually pride friendly. Then what about the fight he heard while going to the gym? Was that acting?

Just why is this happening to me. I can't shift to another university either. And now I'm stuck with that asshole.

Painfully he sighs and enters the dorm. He's greeted with the sight of Ash watching TV and this time wearing his shirt. He plops himself on the couch with an evident look of disappointment. Surprisingly, Ash doesn't mock him at all. Perhaps he knows what had happened.

"Why aren't you mocking me?" Ryan suddenly asks, gaining Ash's attention.

"That's a first. You want me to mock you?" He says.

"I-I....nothing. I'm going to study. Do not disturb me".
"Like I'm interested in having a conversation with you". He coldly replies which for some weird reason...pangs Ryan's heart. Why did that tone sound so cold?

He quietly goes back to the room and takes out his books and homework. Well more like forcing himself to study something which he doesn't like.


Days passed by and to be honest, it was going quite smoothly. Ash for some weird reason didn't bother him with his usual sarcastic taunts. He didn't even bother calling him out for food or anything. Nor did he spare a glance at him during dance rehearsals. To add more, he hasn't seen Michelle either. Well why would she after how rudely he behaved in front of her.

Currently seated in the cafeteria all alone, he busy looks at other students roaming around, laughing and giggling.

It's a safe place for everyone and no one has to pretend here.

It is quite obvious that they're happy here. He hasn't dealt with bullies, no ragging and no one bothering him which honestly he is grateful for. But the only thing that pricks him that he's sharing the same space with god knows how many homos. He didn't see it before but now he can clearly make out a few homo couples. Straight ones too.

He scrunches his face in disgust. But can you really blame him? That's how he was brought up. To hate anyone who is a homo. There's no way he could instantly get rid of all the brainwashing. It was too much.

From a distance he saw Ash with Michelle and one more girl. The three of them were laughing and having a great time. Then another guy joined them at their table. Ryan suddenly felt a wave of sadness hit him. The way everyone was enjoying and having a great time sharing stories, it made him feel even more lonely. He couldn't even bring himself out to make a friend.

All his demonic thoughts were stopping him from talking to anyone here. What if he encounters another homo?

Suddenly the two boys make eye contact. For a second it seems like it's only them in the entire dining hall. It's almost as if their eyes were speaking to each other.

Ryan hurriedly grabs his things and rushes out of the cafeteria, not bothering to finish his food. He didn't even notice Ash scoffing at him.


"I'm gonna die here....It's too suffocating..." he mumbles to himself, massaging his scalp with some shampoo. He needed a good warm shower to relax his tensed muscles. The bathroom was pretty spacious as it had two shower cubicles. This place seemed more like an actual house rather than a college dorm.

After finishing his shower, he wraps a towel around his waist and blow dries his hair. Styling it a bit and applying some body lotion, he gets out of the bathroom and into his room, only to be greeted once again with the sight of Ash who was busy doing his class work.

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