Chapter 16

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Ash was going insane. Absolutely feral and violent.

It's been a whole month and no contact was there from Ryan's side. He should've known what those two rascals had planned when he got the final text from Ryan.

But he knew he couldn't show his face in front of them. But now he is the biggest coward. Had he shown his face before, none of this would've happened. He knew Max ans Scarlet didn't know him by face and only knew him as Henry's brother.

So much had happened when the news of Henry's suicide reached him and his mother. His father died of cancer when he was only 9 years old. His mom had raised him and Henry with all her love and support and never once questioned their sexuality and accepted them for who they were.

When the news reached his mother, she instantly died of shock, leaving Ash in this world with only his uncle and aunt who accepted him into their lives since they had no child. Ash, Emma, Liam and Michelle were all 15 years old back then. Ash took it the hardest.

He not only lost his brother but his entire family. It was their misfortune that they lived in a homophobic society. No one was there to console him because they only saw him as a sinner. He endured all the hate. He endured it for his brother. Henry was like a father figure to him, his best mate and his anchor.

He got to know the truth when he turned 18. He made his life mission to ruin Max and Scarlet and their son Ryan. But of course, despite knowing that Ryan caused this, he fell for him. His brother's supposed murderer. But Ryan wasn't one. Ryan was the gentlest soul he's ever met, it was his bad luck that he was born to such monsters.

Back to present time, he was going mad. He searched every place he could but all in vain. The others were extremely worried too, including the dean.

"FUCKING HELL WHY CAN'T WE FIND ANYTHING?! WHERE DID THEY TAKE RYAN?!" Liam shouted on top of his lungs as Michelle tried her best to calm him down, feeling scared for Ryan as well. Both of them saw Ryan as their little brother and it was scaring them that something might've happened to him.

Ash was like a living dead person. With Ryan not by his side for almost a month, he turned into an ice which was kept inside the freezer. He forgot what happiness is and what it is like to smile. Just as things got better between them, again it was torn apart.

Emma was tired of trying to find ways to somehow get some contact or his location but everything was switched off and they couldn't even get hold of his last location since it was way out of coverage area.

"Ash...don't give up, we'll find him for sure! Even the dean is helping us. We will find him!" Michelle shook his body but he couldn't respond at all. Only Ryan was roaming inside his mind day and night. He only wanted him back in his arms and nothing else.

"'s been a month. We have no idea about that place...nothing". His tears started to flow once again from his already swollen eyes. He hated entering his dorm room because it was cold and silent. He was desperate to hear his voice again, to hear him complain about small things and to hold him in his arms once again.

The three had no idea how to answer his question when they themselves were clueless.

Suddenly three people enter the room including the dean, "we found him". He says with serious eyes.

Suddenly Ash's aura turned dark. He wanted to rip those rascals throats. "The hell are we waiting for then?"


Ryan wanted to die. He didn't want to live like this anymore.

He lost so much weight that now he looks like a literal skeleton. His face is sullen and his eyes have deep dark circles and under-eye bags. His lips turned pale and he was loosing his hair as well. His body felt cold, almost like ice.

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