Chapter 8 • Takes Two To Tango

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Hey! Feel free to leave me funny comments and stuff. It'll make my day! They don't even have to be funny just say how you feel or what you think will happen or what should happen. Knock yourself out and don't be afraid to comment whatever.... You know... Right after you vote of course. *insert sly winky face here*

*caution: strong language*

Even though you're so damn fine
I know I'm
Better off without you
Even if you cross my mind
I would always have to doubt you

I won't believe a thing you say this time
All them other girls told me how you play ya game
Yea we know all about you
I know it probably worked for you
Last time
But them other girls told me how you play ya game
Yea we know all about you

– We Know by Fifth Harmony

Not anymore.

If it were a few days back and I was at my old school, in my old town, with those old faces that I could never even think to call my friends - I would've choked.

But not anymore.

The bass moved through me and gave me breath. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply as my senses came alive. My heart chased the beat rhythmically and I felt the adrenaline rush through my veins once again. I recognized the song as 300 Violin Orchestra by Jorge Quintero. I pictured myself at home, in my room, facing my mirror. All the eyes melted away and I was alone. I promised myself I wouldn't be the same shy and scared girl I once was. This is the time for me to finally prove myself.

I can do this.

The tempo of the song changed and a beautiful melody surrounded me and wrapped around my shaking body - holding me. It squeezed me, hugging me tight and I suddenly felt okay. I felt better than okay.

I can really do this.

My body moved swiftly and softly to the melody that blasted around me. I mixed in bits of ballet moves I choreographed with improv and fell deep into the sound of the melody. I let the vibrations fill me up and engulf me as I moved gently across the floor. My hands soft and my feet light as I danced.

The tempo picked up and my movement sped up with it. I leaped into a pirouette and bowed forward holding a high arabesque. The beat dropped and I bent my knee, brought my back leg forward, and threw the rest of my body back all in one quick movement. My back pressed nearly flat to the ground with one leg bent and one leg straight out on the wooden floor. I waited for the beat to start back up but it never came. I pushed myself up and stood on my knees.

"That was cute." Rachel said grabbing my attention. She had turned off the speaker and was currently changing the song on the iPod. "Let's try something that won't put me to sleep."

Run the World by Beyoncé blared from the speakers. My body moved to the beat and tempo of the song. Mixing my own moves and choreography from the music video, I danced to my best ability. The other dancers sitting near the wall and mirrors cheered bringing a smile to my face. As the chorus of the song ended I finished dancing, and the dancers went crazy. People ran up to me and patted me on the back. One extremely tall guy even came and hugged me up off the floor.

When my feet came back to the floor Lola came up to me and put her hands on my shoulders. "You are goals. 'Cause that was effing amazing." She wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace. "Oh crap," her warm voice vibrated through my chest, "Fūck boy at 6 o'clock." Her body was replaced with the cool air and a look of irritation crossed her face.

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