
Start from the beginning

He'd developed that habit in a week.

"Umm, babe?" I shyly called out and blushed when he pecked the back of my hand before inclining his head my way to show that he was listening.

"About our wedding plans, what shall we say when they ask?" I sped up the first words but I knew Grey heard them just fine.

"W-Wedding?" He looked at me for a second before looking back on the road. "They're going to ask that?"

I nodded my head and then hummed and I could see the way Grey put much thought into it as he tapped on the wheel.

"Anytime, we shall say so." He replied so naturally that I felt the urge to suddenly burst into laughter.

He slowed down at my reaction and stopped playing with my fingers as he waited for me to say something more.

"People don't get married anytime Grey," I held the back of my hand over my mouth as I continued to laugh.

"We have to set a date, look for a venue, buy our wedding gowns, look for a reception amongst other things."

He nodded into every word I said as if he was noting them down in memory and hummed when I kept listing on.

"I had actually thought of a date..." He slowly began after I had finished speaking and that surprised me.

"You had? What day was is it? You never told me." I slapped him arm slightly but still smiled at him.

"I thought of a weekend ten weeks away," he turned to look at me as if to check if that was okay with me.

"You're the one that decides sweetheart, I'm very comfortable with any day." He stroked my arm as he told me that I was the one in charge.

"Any day?" I peeked at him from under my eye and joked, "Even tomorrow?"

He smiled and lifted my hand to his lap and then replied in a playful wink, "The earlier the better."

I slapped his arm again and he chuckled lightly as we got closer to my home.

"I'm okay with that date you set," I finally agreed to his earlier suggestion, knowing that it was enough time for us to get everything ready.

"How happy you make me," Grey pecked my hands all over again as we pulled up to the parking lot at the front.

"Then we shall get our gowns ready this coming month, is that alright?" He turned to face me and I easily agreed.

It sounded like a good plan.

Our wedding arrangement plan.

I had just unfastened my seatbelt and was ready to get off the car when Grey suddenly pulled me by arm.

I turned to look at him but it was his lips that I felt as they moved over my own.

He tugged the side of my neck towards him as he kissed me and I moved along with him until I heard the tap on the window to my side.

"G-Grey-y," I mumbled into his mouth when the sound persisted and it was after other several attempts that he caught on what I was implying.

We rested our foreheads on each other and stared into each other's eyes until I shyly looked at my lap.

Grey cupped my face as soon as I looked down and fondly stared at me, his lips pecking the side of my jaw one more time.

"I love you," he stroked my left cheek and lovingly gazed into my eyes.

"Grey, I also love you." His smile seemed to grow when I said the words and I adjusted the collar of his shirt before we got off.

The first person to see just after getting off was my papa. He pulled me into a bear hug and kissed my forehead.

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