11. Scatter

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It feels like hours have passed since you sat down, waiting for the doctors to open the door into the operation room and update you on Sunset Eyes. Your companions, River Fairy and Busy Bee don't seem to see any reason to stay, as Busy Bee has tried to urge you to the exit pleadingly and impatiently. He even holds up his suitcase and swings it in the air, pointing to the door and making an exaggerated buff body builder pose. You can only guess he means to say he's ready for round two with that unhinged man from before.

You originally wanted to stick with "Blondie" for his temporary name, but his briefcase made it easy for you to change his name to something that matched his need to fidget, pace, and find something to do during the time you've been waiting.

So, let's say he gets past the buff man in the other room. You'll still have to crawl through that vent with blades again, and they can be activated at the will of the enemy. And for what, just to end up on the other side of this room? He doesn't know that part and you don't have any way to communicate your thoughts, so you suppose it's understandable.

The part of the facility we're allowed to access is a loop. Any possible exits in that vent tunnel were sealed off...so maybe there's another door I haven't seen yet.

The only place I haven't looked around is the operating room.

So you continue to shake your head at Busy Bee, despite his growing frustration. He could always leave you to head out on his own, but seems vehemently reluctant to do so.

River Fairy, on the other hand, has looked around the room in search of something. She drifts between the tables like a dandelion seed in the wind almost absentmindedly. You can see the concern on her features when her gaze land on you, contemplation in her freshwater-blue eyes once she finally crosses the distance to sit on the table beside you.

You jerk a little when she raises her hand, motioning to your body and eventually reaching forward when you don't try to dissuade her. She nudges your collar out of the way quite a bit until you see her expression fall with sympathy. By the time Busy Bee notices and approaches the two of you, his gold eyes soften and some of his initial frustration fades away.

Is it bad? As bad as all these cuts?

At the thought, you lift your arms and pull your bralette aside to give your chest a quick peek. If your clothes weren't composed of near black colors, you'd probably be able to see all the blood saturated into it.

You're...actually still bleeding.

When you pinch the fabric, blood drips out of it and onto your fingers. The fact it's still wet and hasn't dried up is pretty concerning.

The sight of it makes River Fairy start to rip off pieces of her dress skirt and turn to you, unsure of herself as she clutches the torn fabric and looks at your gashes. When she turns to Busy Bee and gives him her pleading eyes, he eventually sighs and takes half of the fabric from her, pulling up your arm opposite of her side and wrapping the fabric around the areas with the deepest cuts.

With this much blood loss, it's unusual that you're still able to sit up and walk around just fine. You're not lightheaded whatsoever, even though you can still see blood coming off the cuts on your torso. There's not much to do about those on your chest or stomach, other than to wipe them off yourself when it creates globules of scarlet. Once the doctors finish up with Sunset Eyes, you can probably gesture for help with your own injuries.

The minutes continue to tick by. Hours.

None of you can tell what time it is, though sleepiness weighs in heavily on River Fairy by the looks of it. As if contagious, it passes to you the longer you wait. At some point, River Fairy closes her eyes and submits to sleep while Busy Bee remains completely alert.

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