045. 'falling down like promises that I never kept'

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"My foes and friends watch my reign end

I don't know how it could've ended this way"

        IF THERE WAS SOMETHING DODIE had learnt all throughout this whole quest, it was that distance was a lot shorter in the Labyrinth. Still, by the time Rachel had gotten them back to Times Square, it felt as if they had just gone on a short marathon from New Mexico. They climbed out of the Marriott basement and stood on the sidewalk in the bright summer daylight, squinting at the traffic and crowds.

None had talked the whole way here. Perhaps it was because they had just watched the Lord of the Wild — a god — fade and one of the reasons he had faded was because of how nature was seemingly beginning to, like him, fade, and being turned into these tall skyscrapers. It was a bit ironic that they had ventured through a paradise, only coming back to the very few that had killed the wild. It was surreal.

But Dodie knew they had more pressing matters to attend. The attack. They needed to get back to camp as fast as they could. They had already lost time as it is — and like the Lord of Time, time was never on their side.

"There's no way we can get to Long Island in a jiffy like this," breathed Dodie, feeling panic once more.

"I have an idea," And just like that, Percy led the way into a random alley that had a pretty nice echo. They waited for a moment as he assessed the alley and then, he whistled as loud as he could, six times.

A minute later, Rachel gasped. "They're beautiful!"

A flock of pegasi descended from the heavens, navigating the urban maze of skyscrapers. Among them, Dodie recognised a familiar face — Blackjack, the leading pegasus, followed by five of his white friends.

The horse with cream mane made its way straight to Dodie and nudged his head in greetings to her. She giggled. Even though it's their second encounter, Cherrypop seemed to have remembered her pretty well. Dodie stroked his mane, "You've probably been fairing better than I am,"

Cherrypop neighed.

Not long after, Blackjack neighed loudly in greeting to Percy.

"Yeah," Percy nodded, though the rest of them had no idea what they were talking about. "I'm lucky that way. Listen, we need a ride to camp quick."

Blackjack seemed complacent enough. But the other Pegasus — Guido — was neighing and groaning like he was complaining.

Dodie furrowed her eyes in confusion, and Percy, who caught this, grinned. "It's Tyson,"

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora