001. 'they'll be chasing their tails trying to track us down'

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"'Cause they got the cages, they got the boxes,

They are the hunters, we are the foxes"

        THERE WERE A LOT OF things that Dodie D'Amour hated. A few of them so happen to be having to maintain her haircare routine and sitting in a car for a wee bit too many hours for comfort. But what she hated the most was being dragged into trouble — specifically, the trouble of a quest.

Dodie never did well in any kind of those things.

Quite honestly, if she were to be real here, the mere thought or even prospect of having to be chosen by the gods for some quest could easily drain all the blood from her face and simply make her puke her guts out. Quests were too confrontational; it was easy to say that Dodie was not the confrontational type of person. Which, undoubtedly, both fitted and unfitted the blessings she was born with.

If it was easier done than said, Dodie would've pretended her whole life as if the whole idea of confrontation just never existed, because frankly, that'll do her and her mind more justice. She didn't like fighting. She spent most of her years being a pacifist... kinda. Hell — she didn't even like raising her voice. Never in her life would she want to be an enemy of anyone... especially not the stupid, obnoxious gods.

Yet, in spite of herself, she submitted to carry out a so-called quest. Unwillingly.


A whole chorus of awes and uneasiness settled between the four teenagers as they set their eyes on the grim castle that sat steadily upon the cliff before them, overlooking a vast and frosty forest on one side, while the other was occupied by the unfriendly and grey churning ocean, and all Dodie could think of was:

"I'm going to puke,"

"Speak for yourself. This is going to be fun!" Thalia Grace cheered from beside Dodie, who could not stray her eyes away from the malevolent castle that was seeming built with black stones as towers surrounded it like a medieval castle, homed to a very senile royalty while slits of ice adorned the windows. What Dodie thought made things worse was the sight of the large, oak double doors that loomed over them the more they neared.

"I was speaking for myself, and I wanna go home," was what Dodie would have said if she ever had the strength to. Well, too bad she didn't since she begrudgingly followed after the three brave demigods, all of whom were admittedly on a superior level than her and were the complete opposite of who she represented: a coward. And a proud one at that.

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now