016.'i really think sometimes there's something that I'm missing'

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"Oh, I know spiraling is miserable

I should probably go back home"

          DODIE RARELY GRIEVED. GRIEF WAS a difficult thing that she had never really gotten the chance to explore, for there was never a reason before.

It was a surprising fact, she guessed, considering many of the half-bloods she knew of were dead. However, she couldn't say that it had ever made her bat an eye over it. It was something that was normal, sadly, and plentiful of times she, herself, awaited for death to be at her own doorsteps. Death was a normal thing. But not when it was the lost of Bianca di Angelo.

She didn't know why — she wanted to know why, but it felt as if the parting of Bianca had seemed to have taken something away from her, which was funny to her. It wasn't like she was ever close to Bianca — they barely even exchanged words with one another, aside from the little talk they had in Cloudcroft. It confuses her how grief and death work: How could she be so upset over the death of someone she barely even knew?

Perhaps it was because it was the mere idea that they were alternative... that all of this could have been prevented if it wasn't just Bianca...

But death was something normal for a half-blood, no? So... So why was she crying so much? Why was she numb from the mind to the soul? Why couldn't let go of some trivial, silver circlet that was wrapped around her fingers? It seemed that quests change a person in a way; Dodie had never imagined herself to be so... so... upset over seeing another death. It was like when Annabeth had disappeared along with that bloody manticore; she wasn't anywhere near close to her, but her empathy had always gotten the best of her. Was this just empathy then? Was she just feeling this unbearable anguish she seldom felt all because of those around her?

...or plausibly, it was the idea of having to break it to a little brother that his only living family — his sister that had practically raised — the only person he knew for years, was gone and never to come back. Was this guilt then?

Dodie often wonders whether the Fates look back on their decisions and pause a moment to think: "Hey, is this right?"... or, "Maybe they deserve as much mercy as we give the mortals?" But alas, being a demigod meant sacrifices.

And because of that, at that moment, she understood Luke a bit.

She wasn't going to go all out and say that what he was doing was right — he was killing people, for goodness sake. He was killing his friends, the people who knew him for so long... his family. But she wasn't going to pretend to be a fool and think she didn't understand where he was coming from, for she did. She understood him in ways that made her want to gouge her eyes out. To the gods, they were merely these characters in their tragic but favourite TV show that would never end and forever live on to be aired, for while they, the gods and immortals, were to live for more than a millennium, them, the demigods, would eventually die.

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now