~A plan & Action~ (2)

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Chifuyu POV:
I was walking behind them, I seen they were holding hands... but what about me? Don't they remember me?

Now that I think about it, they have been doing a lot of things without me, going on a date, dinner, what's next?

They've been leaving me out a lot, is it on purpose? That's the only logical explanation, because there isn't anyway for them to just, forget I'm apart of this relationship too. So they must be doing it on purpose.

Why though? Why leave me out? Don't they love me? What am I saying, of course they love me. I just need to give them a little reminder that I'm part of this relationship too!

Y'know I was never one for 'revenge' but this might be a perfect time for it~ or I should just talk to them? Nah, what's life without a little spice~ (he didn't actually say that, this is what he actually said)

I was never one for revenge... I should probably just talk to them about it, but, why do I feel they wouldn't listen?

I'll just stick with revenge for now, what should I do for revenge?

Hmmm... oh! I know! Maybe I should pretend to be cheating on them with partner! Wait... isn't that too much?

Then again, them ignoring that I'm apart of this relationship is also a bit much, hm, let's do it! What's the worst that could happen?

Not alot, so, I'll talk to Takemichi when we meet up at the skatepark, and try to convince him by-

"What're you thinking about back there?" Baji asked me

'Shit, can't let them know' I thought to myself, umm what's a good excuse? Oh!
"Nothing, I'm just admiring the scenery!" I say and point to the cherry blossom trees

"Ooh~ They are very pretty Baji" Tora said, unknowingly helping me.

"That's true Tora" Baji said and kisses Tora.

"..." I don't know what to say, did they forget I'm here? Yeah, I'm definitely going through with my plan.

Tora pulls away, "Cmon we still have to go to school" he says and continues walking, dragging Baji with him.

"Hmph!" I cross my arms once they're far enough away, so they can't hear me.

This isn't fair... why do they forget about me? I'm their boyfriend too! Do they not love me anymore? I fall to my knees and start crying, I just couldn't hold it in anymore, luckily Takemichi was turning the corner and saw me crying

"Chifuyu!" He ran over to me with Hina following close behind, "Whats wrong?!"he asked

"Whats wrong with me?! Am I not enough for them!?" I cling onto Takemichi and cry on his shoulder

"Nothings wrong with you!" Takemichi assures

"...Enough for who?" Hina asks

"Enough for my boyfriends! Baji and Kazutora! They always leave me out! I'm never gonna be good enough for them!"

"Chifuyu-" Takemichi started

~Left Out~ Bajifuyutora Where stories live. Discover now