yours forever

852 23 31

POV: Third person

As SMG3 nervously ate his sandwich, he kept glancing at his phone. 

Text messages...none.

Wattpad, Tumblr, and Reddit notifs...none.

Anything? No... well, he could to to Twitter but NO WAY IN HELL WAS HE DOING THAT-

Not even a single Discord message on their server, which SMG3 considered the worst luck in his entire life...

Shit! He would actually have to "talk" and have a "casual social interaction" with SMG4! The blue-clad Meme Guardian also had his phone out, but he wasn't using it at all.

"Y-you're...staring," SMG3 told him, and he snapped out of it. "Wh- huh? Oh, uh, sorry!" Four stuttered nervously, looking away. " did good earlier. In the Smash Ultimate game!"

Three chuckled, saying "Yeah, I did awesome. But u-uh, you did alright too. I guess."

"Bro what are you saying, you beat me like 16 times before the time was up-"

"Fine then, if you insist, you did horrible!" SMG3 said, taking another bite of his sandwich.

Their conversation seemed a little more natural now, like in a video. SMG4 would say something, and Three would follow it up with a cool fact or make a funny remark or twist it into a joking insult. After a minute, Four no longer felt so much of the uncertainty in Three, though it was still noticeable.

At least, everything seemed normal to Four.

SMG3 was at one of his lowest points, almost worse than when he lost WOTFI 2020. Flowers. Blood. Days, hours, minutes ticking down to his death.

All because of unrequited love.

Life had never been or even seemed fair to SMG3, but this was just cruel. So here he was, trying to stop thinking about how he was going to die because of something out of his control.

And yet he still chose not to get the flowers removed.

"Well," said SMG4 eventually, "we're both done with our food. Should we, uh, get going?"

Something was up with Four...

Did he know that Three was going to tell him later...?

Oh god, what if that was it?! Well, then now he knew that Four knew that he was going to confess. Wait, but what if Four knew that he knew that Four...

One thought at a time, one worry at a time. Stay normal, for god's sake. Like you're on camera, or a stage... This is what he told himself to help get through their video recordings and stay "in character". Just had to...stay all good...

"SMG3?" Four said, tilting his head a little. God he was so cute. "I know something's up, man. Come on, please...? I won't ask again, but-"

"Don't wanna talk about it!" I said, definitely not overthinking every possible reaction SMG4 could have to my confession. And definitely not imagining most of them with horrible outcomes.

Three's blue-clad doppelganger frowned. "Okay then... I'm going to meet back with the gang. You wanna come?"

"Nah..." SMG3 looked away in embarrassment, he had definitely been staring at Four. The latter hadn't noticed, or at least hadn't pointed it out, though. Three was kind of relieved.

The purple-clad Meme Guardian smiled at SMG4 and did a peace sign, fading away and reappearing at the Internet Graveyard. God, he was so cringy.

What would he do later, though...?

He fucking chickened out, damn it. He was going to say this. He was GOING to say this before he...



This timeskip...*sigh* brought to you by...

(O.T. Airlines, baby! "We don't discriminate! Buy a ticket now and head on over to the airport today!")

And by mean everyone dies, no matter who they are, I'm willing to bet...


SMG3: hey

Three hadn't sent the text yet. His finger hovered over the button, but then he deleted the message.

Overthinking, overthinking, overthinking.

SMG3: hey smg4

He sent it this time.




SMG4: What's up

Three breathed a sigh of relief, even though his thoughts were racing.

SMG3: idk

SMG3: i guess im just scared

SMG3: really scared of losing you all.

As the text was received by the blue-clad Meme Guardian, the sender felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes. He blinked, trying not to cry. He wasn't emotional right now. Why was he crying? He was scared, but...not emotional, if that makes sense at all.

This was fucking unreal.

Everything about life felt fucking unreal.

It was a feeling Three was familiar with, though. He never felt grounded here, not until he had friends and people who could keep him from drifting away...or just keep him from straying too far, at least.

SMG4: I get that

SMG4: In the old castle, when we were panicking and i finally got the video done and i had to choose between you and the video, i..

SMG4: I was terrified i would make the wrong choice, influences by the viruses bullcrap, like i wouldn't be able to control myself and i would drop you

SMG4: Should i come to the graveyard?

SMG3: if you want

"If you want". That was so fucking SMG4 might not even show up, because he couldn't just say what he fucking meant!

Three felt like tearing his fingers off his hand, aggressively fidgeting. It was warm in his room, but he shivered. From what? Fear? No, what was it?

SMG4 knocked at the door.

"You actually came here." Three left his room and Four followed closely, walking beside him. "Yeah, you seemed like you needed someone," SMG4 said, remembering a few days ago when SMG3 had felt hopeless and hugged him. He kind of wanted to do that again.

The two just wandered around the Graveyard for a while, not quite sure where they were going or why they were walking but not stopping. They talked about different things now, they talked about regrets they had and chances they missed instead of their usual silly things.

"Have you ever...kissed someone?" SMG4 asked. "Cause I regret not doing that...well, not yet."

"What? Yes, you have," said SMG3. "Mario Attempts Tik Tok Challenges..."

Four blushed, very glad it was night and hard to see his face in the dark forest. "O-oh. Oh. Yeah, that..."

The two were silent for a while after that, with Four wondering if he should have even brought that up and Three wondering if he should have ever corrected the Meme Guardian. They stayed quiet until they eventually reached the same place with the pond as before, but now it was even more beautiful.

Stars glittered above the two Guardians, filling the sky and being reflected in the pond. The moon shone above them, the pale light barely providing any light but just enough for the two to see each other in the dim area.

"SMG4- I..." Three's anxiety was through the fucking roof now.

Say it.

Say it.

Say it.

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