around me

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It's been a little while since the IGBP incident.

Everyone's pretty happy, I'd say. SMG4 has his new castle and the Showgrounds now, so he's not doing too badly. We miss the old castle, but now we're focused on whatever comes next.

I've been writing in my diary a lot more. It helps forget all of the fuckin' chaos everywhere, hah.. I honestly don't know how SMG4- hell, anyone in Four's crew can put up with that idiot. But I guess that's just them, being lovable goofballs. Especially Four.

Hopefully he doesn't find this diary.

I feel like I should probably say something about all of this before I decide not to write it down. YEAH I'M REALLY UNSURE RIGHT NOW BUT I THINK I LIKE SMG4- G̶F̶T̶g̶r̶t̶f̶h̶e̶G̶B̶H̶S (scribbles)

 Why did I write that in pen... I'm just going to leave now. You know what I'm gonna close this book and never come back to that page.


POV: Following SMG3's thoughts

Three closed his eyes for a second, and when he opened them again about an hour had passed. Shit, he thought to himself, I fell asleep? God dammit... It was just 12:34 and now it's 1:43...why is time so broken?!

He wasn't feeling his best, but he couldn't sit in bed a second longer, since that was too boring. He got up and decided to head over to the Showgrounds to see what was going on, and used some magic to summon a portal and scooped up Eggdog, teleporting.

But when Three got there, the scene was uh...well, it was just like any other day for the crew. Complete and utter chaos.

Mario was throwing a fit over a plate of spaghetti while Luigi was trying to quiet him down, but Meggy, who seemed to be a lot less...nonviolent...than Luigi, was having none of that.

Bob was trying to murder Mario, too, for whatever reason, and Saiko and Boopkins were trying to stop him while avoiding his sword hands. Swords? Were they attached or not...

FInally, Tari was just watching everything go down in fear, and SMG4 was looking for a way to film this while also helping in some way. Of course, there's not really a way to break up a fight and sit there, watching it at the same time though. So Four was kind of just...doing nothing. It's probably better that he doesn't help, Three thought, There'll definitely be at least one non-canon death here one way or another if anyone else gets involved in this fucking mess.

"Oh! Hey Three!" SMG4 called out, smiling. "Can you help me? I, uh..." he motioned towards the crew. "...have a bit of a situation right now. Hehe."

Three facepalmed, of course as the leader of the group, SMG4 would have nO IDEA how to solve their problems! "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" SMG3 yelled at everyone, and they froze in their tracks.

"IT WAS MARIO KART!" Bob yelled out at the same time as Mario said something. "Mario promises he didn't start it!" their Avatar cried, dropping everything with a CRASHing sound. 

Broken dishes. Great. Well, not his problem anywa-

Tari rose to her feet, upset. "Guys! Please stop! Can everyone just say sorry?!" Three frowned. That girl's nice, but she really doesn't know how to handle the cast. 

"Let me rephrase that," SMG3 said, grinning. "Stop it! Everyone! Just... go off and enjoy the game room... or some shit like that. Mario, go watch cringe and burn your eyes out or, uh, do something else... like help get SMG4 something to film as an alternative to whatever this is... I'll clean up Mario's dumb mess because I'm more responsible than any of you guys. (This is a lie) And you too Four, since you did nothing!..."

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