bright shadow

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My face burned with embarrassment. What's wrong with me...? Why was I holding his hand again? Oh that's right, I forgor lol.

And why are we doing it again, so suddenly now? Wait- "Three!" I cried as we both entered a portal to the Internet Graveyard's Starbucks. SMG3 let go of my hand as soon as we arrived and he ran behind the building.

"Wh- where...what are you..." I stood there for a moment to process what had just happened. "Wait, Three! What happened?!" I called after him, following him.

I heard SMG3's voice, and it was small and weak now. " can't see me like this..." he whispered. "Just go away..."

"Like what?" I asked him. I heard coughing, and I faintly felt pain in my own throat from our link. "Three...please, you can tell me what's happening!" I said, taking another few steps toward him. 

I could see him now. 

There was his Void behind his Starbucks, and it was full of blood and flowers. Blood and flowers. SMG3's face had the same blue rose petals stuck to him, covered in blood. He peeled them off and threw them as hard as he could into the Void. "G-go away..."

"SMG3? What happened to you?" I asked, walking towards him. He took a step back.

"It hurts..." His voice was faint and weak, and he started to cough up more blood into the Void.
"Oh, god!" I yelled, seeing his current state. "W-what do I do?! What do you need?!" I scrambled to get near him so I could hear. But he didn't say anything.

Three spit out a few Rose petals...? Before wiping the blood away from his mouth. "F...our. I need to-" he cleared his throat as best as he could. "-get inside..." 

"O-okay! I'll just, uh, help you with that. Then." I helped him to his feet, and together we went into his room. There was a shitty green couch and his bed, so I put him down in the bed. There.

However, as soon as I put him down, he fell into a half-asleep daze...leaving my questions unanswered.

Dammit! I thought, before remembering Google existed.

My arm shook as I slowly typed in the question I had stuck in my mind.

'what does coughing up flower petals mean?'

The results finally loaded after too long of a wait due to the Starbucks Wifi. But when the first result came up, I was fucking terrified. This was horrible news...

Hanahaki Disease is a disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. There are many different types of Hanahaki, and the flowers will grow in either the victim's heart or... Read more

He's going to die. Oh my god. We don't know who he likes or if we even know them or if they're even someone we can meet and Three's gonna die if we can't fix this...

Wait, hold on. A surgery? Oh, he would forget the person then. It would be a solution...but not a good one. He'd have to ask Three when the purple-clad Meme Guardian woke up. Actually, should he even be here? Was "Hanahaki" contagious? Would this affect SMG3 at all?!

SMG4 sat up, about to leave, when Three stopped him. "SMG4?" he whispered. "Please don't leave me here...alone..."

"What should I do then?" Four was confused. Why did SMG3 want him here? Surely this was just because of his half-asleep state.

"Four, I need..." Three took a shaky breath. ""


POV: Following SMG4's thoughts (a little less than in the other chapters though)

The other Meme Guardian was stunned for a second. "...Okay." He sat back down on the bed, and SMG3 calmed down. His sleeping face was so serene, relaxed... pretty...

Wait no, what the hell was his internal monologue going on about?!

SMG4 sighed, pulling out his phone and starting to scroll through the internet to look for memes. The sun had gone down by now, and the pinks, reds, and oranges of the sunset were replaced by deep blues and purples and silver stars. The only light left in SMG3's room was the harsh screen light from Four's phone.

The blue-clad Meme Guardian eventually tired of searching for funny content, he had already gathered enough and plus, the stuff today wasn't very funny compared to some other days. He felt his eyes automatically begin to close as he set his phone on the nightstand next to him, and he took off his cap. 

Settling into the bed, Four wondered about a lot of things. Would SMG3 live?...

...Would he be able to live without SMG3? 

That was a strange train of thought. 

Did he really care about Three that much?

It didn't matter, he thought to himself, feeling all of his depressing predictions drain out of his head in his almost-asleep state. SMG4's thoughts and worries all went away as he finally drifted off to sleep, subconsciously snuggling closer to the warmth beside him.

Azure Blossoms [SMG34 Hanahaki AU]Where stories live. Discover now