"Hey, Jazz." He looked at her again, his eyes lightening. "I'll be okay. It's just for a while, I'll make sure Bella doesn't discover anything and all will go back to the way it was." She assured, her hand still resting on his shoulder. Soon enough they arrived at the beach, were Paul was waiting, carelessly resting against his truck's door, arms crossed over his toned chest. Jasper stared at him as if he would rip his head apart any second. "Walk me out?" Margaret thought, that the only way to calm down Jasper's insecurities would be to have him face them, show him she would be fine on her own for a few hours.

"'Bout time, your sister got here almost an hour ago." His olive skin shone like bronze under buttery sunlight, he shifted, his face stern. Jasper's grip on her tightened, the muscles in his jaw twitching as he swallowed. "She could already know everything." Paul pressed, approaching Maggie with determination in his way.

"I came here only to make sure Jacob didn't spill any secrets." She snapped. It was all too much, she felt too much. Jasper was tensing, fighting whatever internal demons he had inside of him, the rest of the Cullens trying not to get exposed, Paul and the pack just began to get on her nerves, and her sister- Margaret was just one girl, one seventeen year old girl who was carrying more stress than she could manage. "Shouldn't that weight fall on your shoulders?" Even if inside she felt like she might buckle and break at that moment her confidence was being fueled by her despair and fury, so she took advantage of it as much as she could. "You might get to boss around everyone else, but leave me out of it, Paul. Especially now that I'm helping you out of this problem." Jasper had never seen Margaret this angry, and yet something inside him found comfort in it. It was understandable, Maggie had been through so much, and there was still so much to go through. He could only hold her, love her, comfort her, be there for her. They stepped away from Paul, their eyes colliding instantly, like magnets drawn to one another.

"I'll wait for you." He whispered, his hand caressing her face softly, like a promise. "And if anything happens, anything at all," His eyes darkened, his voice deeper, huskier. "I'll come for you."

"No, Jazz, the treaty-" Margaret warned, shaking her head, so terrified.

"Margaret." His voice held the weight of his concern, heavy and low. "I'll make this very clear," He held his hands to his lips, staring at her severely with almos black eyes. "If you come to any danger, you will scream, or yell or simply do something. I'll hear you, I'll feel you. Not even the treaty will hold me back." Maggie nodded slowly, her brows furrowed slightly.

"I'll be okay." She said, neither comprehending if it was meant to soothe herself or him. "I love you."


Bella must've wandered off looking fro Jacob, because when Margaret arrived by Mike's van she was no longer there. Angela, Jessica and Mike were talking and laughing, like normal seventeen-year-olds. Maggie fell into a comfortable conversation with them, trying as hard as she could to imagine this was her life, to imagine that there were no worse worries than asking a boy out or getting a date for prom.

"I keep thinking Eric's going to ask me to prom, then he just... doesn't." She was telling her, hands intertwined and fidgety as she explained. Angela was one of the sweetest girls Maggie had ever met, and she deserved to be happy, to be treated right. Eric was a good guy, and he was crazy for her, but both were too shy to even dare speak to the other alone. It simply made them even more perfect for each other, they just needed a little push.

"You could ask him." Angela looked shocked as she entertained the thought, her cheeks blushing vividly. "Take control. You're a strong independent woman." Margaret encouraged, with honest, shining eyes.

"I am?" Angela asked aloud, her thoughts rushing through. Maggie nodded with the friendliest smile, and she was about to encourage her further when a haunting voice spoke from behind them.

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