Luz Noceda does not crush.. right?

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TW: A bit more homophobia ( hoping this will be their last sad chapter for this book )
Luz's POV:
I woke up, holding onto something.. warm?
Then realized that it was Amity, and my face heated up

'Wait, why is my face heating up? I certainly don't have a crush on her. I don't crush. Not after the last. I mean, friends cuddle, right? Yeah they do'

I think to myself and look at the T.V. screen

'Are you still watching? Continue - Exit'

Oh, we must've fell asleep watching. I slip out of her arms carefully so I don't wake her and turn off the TV and sit down back beside Amity and look at her.. stare.. that's normal right? She looked like she was waking up so I look away and grab clothes and run off into the bathroom to get ready

I hear running and a door slam shut as I wake up, huh, that must've been Luz, why was she running?
I sit up and grab my phone to check the time
9:36 AM
Saturday, July 23rd 2023

'Oh I must've slept in'

I see a text message that I got overnight from Eda and some other people named Lilith, Darius, Raine, and Caleb made a announcement about everyone going to a basketball game today at noon, and that a bus is picking us at up at 11.

"Hey Ammy!" Luz says, walking out of the bathroom
"Hey Luz, did you know about this basketball game?" I ask
"No, what basketball game?" She replies
"Here read this" I say, giving her my phone
She reads the message and gives back my phone, going over and grabbing a purple jersey
"What is that?" I ask
"My dad LOVED this team, so he gave me this jersey, and I wanna wear it to the game." She explains, putting on the jersey over her white crewneck
"Oh okay" I reply
"Hey do you wanna continue Heartstopper before we have to go since we have a lot of time to kill?" Luz asks
"Yes, I just gotta go get ready real quick"

——-After getting ready——
"Okay, it is now 9:56, so we have an hour so we could probably watch 2 episodes" I say, walking out of the bathroom
"Sounds good!" Luz says, patting the spot next to her before continuing "We're on episode 6, so we'll have one episode left for later if we could watch 2 episodes"
She clicks play

-After episode 6-
"Why are homophobic people like this?" I ask
"Why are straight people like this" Luz jokes and we both start laughing
"We should.. watch the next.. episode now" Luz says in between laughs and hit play

-After episode 7-
"Wow that got intense FAST" I randomly say
"Oh yeah, it gets kinda worse in the next episode though" Luz replies
"Anyways, we should get going now, it getting close to eleven." I suggest, standing up
"Yeah, yeah, let's get going." Luz replies

—On the bus—
Me, Luz, and Eda sat next to each other on the bus, we were talking and laughing when some kids started taunting us and Luz and I rolled our eyes and Darius and Eda started glaring at them and they immediately shut up and we started laughing even harder when we arrived at the place and when we walked in we were introduced to strong smells of buttered popcorn, and loud chatter and we instantly went inside the gymnasium and found our seats and the game soon started

——-Midway through game——
So far our team is winning, and we just got a score
I started cheering a bit, but Amity cheered louder
'Wow her determination is cute.. she's cute'
Nonono, I don't fall in love anymore. That's how I got outed. I can't let that happen again

I must've been spaced out for a while since it was halftime ( is there a halftime in basketball? ) already and I saw a hand wave in front of my face, and I notice that it was Amity and my face flushed, but I attempted ( key word: ATTEMPTED ) to get rid of it/hide it.
"Oh, sorry. You just didn't respond to me for a minute." Amity said
"Oh sorry, what did you say?" I ask
"Just saying that this team is doing good so far!"
"Oh.. yeah"
Amity looks at me weird but brushes it off

-Back at the cabin-
I yawned as we walked back into our cabin
"Hey we should finish that last episode of Heartstopper" Amity randomly said
"Oh yeah we should" I replied as I brought it up

——-After the episode is done——
"Wow okay, so they didn't determine that they were dating til this episode.. how many times have they kissed before this?" Amity rants
"Quite a bit" I replied


"It's getting kinda late we should go to bed" Amity said and I mentally sighed in relief from the awkward silence
"Yeah we probably should" I replied

*FLASHBACK DREAM* ( homophobia upcoming )
I walked into school, and heard someone approaching me
"Luz! Hey!" I heard someone call, then felt someone tugging me into a empty room
"I'm sorry for ignoring you recently, I just can't have people knowing of.." Isabella, my 'girlfriend' explained, her hazel eyes looking down, but not very apologetic, more liked a force sadness
"" I finish her sentence
"Um, yeah" She mutters quietly
"Uh, it's alright" I say, and the bell rings
"Talk to you later?" I ask
"Yep.." She mumbles
To be honest we don't talk out of messaging occasionally and she just basically uses me to know what it feels like to kiss a girl but she's scared of people finding out that she did since she's like the queen of this school, and she would definitely lose her reign, and be on the bottom of the food chain.
As I was walking through the hallway, I saw Isabella and a bunch of other popular girls.. and the most popular jock guy here Josh.. with his hand around her shoulder.. she has a boyfriend, they're all putting up posters that say "Luz Noceda, Homosexual" with a bi flag. Oh no.. and they all are laughing, and someone notices and yells "Oh look it's her!" and start running towards me and laughing and I run outside when Isabella calls out
"Aw, but Luz I thought you liked me" She pouts sarcastically while snickering
"You.. you lied to me. You lied! You said that you were trying to figure things out, and that you liked me! You did that while having a boyfriend! And then you switched around and started this big rumor about me!" I yell, tears welling up in my eyes
"Aw, you really thought I cared? That I actually liked you?" She laughed, and other people start laughing as well, and everything blurs together

I rise up, looking around and realizing that I'm in the cabin, not at school. And I take a breath of relief, and lay down and go back to sleep

Word count: 1189 words
A/N: This chapter should be the last sad chapter for them, they should have 3 more happy chapters.. then it'll be the end for this book but i have another book for them for when august slips away into a moment of time ( ;) ) and we need to continue their love story ( double ;) )!

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