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Okay so i forgot to add this when i first made this chapter but thank you LogicalLillian379 for the idea for this chapter😭

Amity's POV:
Once again, I'm the first one awake. Luz is still asleep.. can't blame her. It is only 8 AM.
I want to get to know Luz more, maybe we can go fishing later? Yesterday was chaotic. I thought I knew Luz, apparently not. I didn't even know she was bi. Well, she didn't even know that I was a lesbian. That's why I want to hang out with her.
It's still the weekend anyways, well this is a summer camp. Not school. I don't think we're doing as much in the week as we would've in the school year. Well, more activities. No schoolwork, eh you know what I mean.
But maybe we could go fishing, actually go swimming, just go walking. Just something without the jocks, popular girls. Without everyone getting in our way. I don't know when she'll wake up, so I'll get ready and go for a walk while waiting for her to wake up.

I'm ready now. I'm wearing a magenta pink t-shirt and black shorts with black sneakers. It's pretty warm but not hot outside. Perfect weather for a walk outside.

It's wonderful outside- the sky is bright, there's birds everywhere, but this one bird caught my eye.. a red cardinal. There was a bunch of blue birds and he was the only red bird. He also followed this older teen with short fluffy blonde hair.


It's now 8:46 AM, that's what my phone said. I'm almost back at the cabin, I know what me and Luz should do now, we can go fishing! I know where to get the stuff and where to rent the boat, somehow I have enough money to rent all of the stuff, for today. I hope Luz would want to.

Huh who texted me?
Hey where are you?

Oh I forgot that I got Luz's phone number on the way to the beach.

Sorry, I went for a walk. I'll be back to the cabin in about 5 minutes..


Luz's POV:
I woke up this morning and Amity was gone, what time is it?
Oh, still pretty early. I'll text Amity in a little bit, I got her phone number yesterday on the bus when heading to the beach- oh the beach situation. I want to do something with Amity today to make up for it.. going for a walk? No, too basic. Swimming? Wouldn't that remind us of the beach situation? Fishing? That sounds perfect! Not too basic, wouldn't remind us of yesterday, and the weather is perfect for this activity! I'm gonna text Amity now.

Hey where are you?

Almost the second after I sent the text message
Sorry, I went for a walk. I'll be back to the cabin in about 5 minutes.


———5 minutes later———

Knock knock knock
Oh whos that?
I opened the door and Amity was there!
"Hey Luz!" Amity exclaimed
"Hey Amity!" I responded
"Hey I was wondering, do you want to go fishing later?" Amity asked, we're sharing the same mindset!
"I was gonna ask you that! But yes I would love to!" I exclaimed
"Okay great! I know where to rent all of the stuff and I'll pay since I have quite a bit of money for helping with my parents business." Amity said
"Okay! Should we wait til later or should we go now?" I asked
"Well, I'm ready. I don't think you are so we should wait til your ready." Amity said
"Yeah you're right, I'll go get ready now." I responded

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