I smiled at the thought of seeing my sister and parents, as I walk in, I see a note on the floor 'Go to the kitchen.'

I narrow my eyes but go to the kitchen, what I saw broke me. My mother's dead body was slumped against the kitchen counter, Paul had a massive slit across his neck, I as approached, I hit something on the ground, I look down to see a head, MY sister's head.

On her forehead is a note 'Hope you had fun! Sincerely, Order, PS: Yeah, I escaped.' I stayed silent for a second, then I screamed, an ear splitting, blood curdling scream, I wouldn't be surprised if the world heard it.

The Earth shook, the sky turned dark and cloudy as tornados and hurricanes started, the waves were mini tsunamis, lightning was streaking the sky at irregular intervals. The television playing in the background suddenly changed channels from nature documentaries to an emergency channel "Everyone evacuate where ever you are, waves are raging, magnitude 9.8 earthquakes are going on all around the world and rogue hurricanes and tornados are destroying all in sight, in addition, volcanos are also erupting and the temperature has dropped by a drastic amount, please evacuate to high and safe ground with plenty warm clothes, there is currently no given explanation as to why this is happened.

I get up, my knees shaking, I teleport back to CHB, the temperature instantly dropping a bit more, I feel the earthquake lightly beneath my feet, looks the spells were doing a decent job of keeping most of the bad stuff out, Luke rushes me "ARE YOU TRYING TO DESTROY THE WORLD? CALM DOWN!"

"Piss off, my parents are dead and I'm NOT IN THE MOOD." Luke looks at me, fear visible in his eyes, I walk to the edge of the hill, my assassin attire instantly replacing my attire, I walk to the edge of Half Blood hill. "ORDER, GET YOUR SORRY ASS OVER HERE!"

I shout as I unsheathe my blade, a mist forms in front of me, instantly, I see Order, her commanders including Elara and a whole bunch o' monsters, I charge Order immediately, She merely stops my blade with her finger and yawns "I have no time or games young one, move aside so I can kill you and everyone else."

I growl "Nuh uh. CAMPERS, PHALANX, COMMANDERS UP FRONT, MEET OPPOSING DIVISIONS, IM TAKING ORDER!" I yell and charge Order, her not expecting this, I get a solid hit and she gets a cut, she snarls and unsheathes her own sword, she stabs the ground, sending me a good distance back, I find Riptide stuck in the sand, I smile and grab it, slamming it with my sword, merging them, I summon my other sword, the Royal Knight Templar Excalibur. I mere this as well, Order narrows her eyes as I continue merging sword after sword into a weapon, I smirk at her and rush her, jumping midway, around us fighting is stopping to watch the showdown, monsters as well for some reason.

I bring my sword down on her head, she blocks and takes up a stance, I too get into a stance as we the fighting commenced, there was no flaw in our movements, only grace, it was a dance of death, silence surrounded us except the clangs of metals hitting each other, alloy in my case, I reach my hand into the sky, calling upon Thor to lend over Mjolnir for a bit, my prayers are answered as the legendary hammer flies into my hand, I smile "Thank you Thor." I point it at Order, sending chains of Godly lightning at her, her eyes widens as she flips around, dodging the constant barrage of lightning, eventually, I stop and return it to Thor, I thrust my hand out, making a 'small' explosion on her face, after the smoke clears, she pouts "God dang it, Eclipse! I spent two hours on this make up!" she says like a child, my brain is in utter disbelief, I just shake my head and continue my relentless flurry of strikes, like lightning striking, we were blurs to the commanders, Chaos and Gods, to demigods and clear-sighted mortals, we were just standing still with constantly changing expressions, their eyes not being able to register the movement. I find an opening in her guard and take it, she instantly blocks it and shoves a dagger up my stomach, I fall to the ground, Order standing over me, she spits on me "Filth."

Chaos had enough and charged Order, Order just shoves another dagger, he is slightly fazed but other wise fine, she raises her sword above the disoriented Chaos as I lay on the ground, as she brought it down, I rushed over to his body and brought up my sword, kneeling under the force, Order frowns but puts more pressure on the blade, dropping me onto my knees, my rage fueling me, suddenly Order lets go and shoves her sword into my already large wound, my eyes widen in surprise, I fall face first onto the ground, Order turns me around "Too bad, you can't do the impossible."

The screams of terror are muffled and my pain is agonizing, suddenly, all light fades from the world where I am faced by the Grim Reaper and Space, I ask weakly "Has my time come?" The Grim Reaper smiles "I have come to announce you to be the new reaper." "An you the heir to the Cosmos. As well as the Primordial of Glitch and everything else, the most powerful domain." Space finishes, he hands me a sword, half-shadow and half-light, I take and it mixes to be a dark storm gray, suddenly, I see a bunch of swords merge, they were the ones I originally merged, I look at them, the weight of the revelation resting on my mind, I stand up shakily

"Thank you." Space smiles "Kick my daughter's ass." I smirk as I am transported back to Life, I look to Order, she is currently trying to kill Elara for saving Chaos, I smirk, I take my time, walking across the field, temperature dropping "Hello Order." I say in a cold voice, she turns around to see me in my tattered clothes "You're meant to be DEAD!"

She yells, I smirk "Nah, remember saying I can't do the impossible? I can! I am the impossible, I am Eclipse/Aischune, AKA Percy Jackosn, the Grim Reaper, 3rd son of Space, Heir to the Cosmos, and far too many other titles for me to remember, and by my judgement, your time has come, I was never lying when I said I was the universe's judge, jury and executioner, and Dad told me to kick your ass by the way." Elara smiles as Order growls. I twirl Duality in my hands and look at it "Not my taste." I say before clenching it tightly, instantly, it bent to my will, a long, double-edged blade, gleaming wickedly. Dark storm gray blade, storms raging, eclipses foreshadowing, waves crashing, a feeling as thought the world was quaking on it. Handle wrapped in the finest of brown leather, hard as Exonite, comfortable as clouds, the hilt was that of a gleaming celestial bronze, imperial gold, stygian iron and exonite alloy, showing visions, like katoptris, the sword itself pulsed with power, I clenched it harder as another flickered into existence, I smiled and wielded the other one, twirling them, two swords of Duality, I turned to Order who was slowly backing away, I willed illusions to surround her

"Going somewhere?" I mock, her eyes widen, my expression darkens as I shove my sword into the ground, the Earth shook as Darkness overcame everything "Erebus, do me a favor and hold her down." Erebus solidified and bowed as he held Order "Aether, please."

Aether materialized turning the world gray, I walk up to Order as everyone watched, "Order, on first degree of trying to take over the universe and disrupting balance of space time, I, Primordial of Glitch, Eternity, Nightmares and everything else in the Cosmos, including Cosmos, sentence you to an eternity in Abyss." Her eye's widened "No, no, NO! Not Abyss, PLEASE! I beg you, I'll stay in the void forever!" she begs, my eyes remain emotionless "You would just manipulate more people, sorry, not sorry!"

I rest my swords on her shoulders as she glitches away into the Abyss. I watch as the fear only grew in her eyes, "Erebus and Aether, you may return to your duties, thank you." They nod and disappear as the regular sight of Gaia greets up, I knock on the floor "Gaia, wake your butt up, I need you to guard the planet when I'm not around okay? Rumble the ground for yes and then you go to sleep, okay?" Gaia rumbles and I smile, I turn to the dumbfounded campers and Gods, I look at Elara "I believe I owe you a date." Elara smiles as Chaos chuckles and turns to Luke "Told ya! Pay up!"

Luke grumbles but pays him some money. I snap my fingers as I change into some better clothes, a simple normal black t shirt and gray jeans, revealing a few scars, Chaos immediately goes protective brother mode "Who did this to you?" I laugh "Sister, she's imprisoned now, don't worry." Chaos smiles and backs off, I offer Elara my hand and she takes it, blushing madly, I chuckle at her tomato face, "The famous Elara, stone cold assassin Ember has a tomato face."

I laugh madly as we glitch away into the distance, I wouldn't blame the Fates anymore, they led me to something they knew I would love, as I watched how planets perished yet grew back better, only to be grow again, people be happy and then sad, then happy again, I learnt the cycle of Life, Fate and Destiny would screw you over, but never forever, after all that's just my judge being the King of all, blah, blah and blah, king of Eternity and nightmares and pretty much everything else. Maybe I didn't get the life I wanted, but I would never trade this life for any other.

Percy Jackson; Hero's AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now