-Chapter 12 Hobbit-

Start from the beginning

Bard stops him, saying, "Wait! Please, wait! You would go to war over a handful of gems?" But Thranduil rebuts him, saying, "The heirlooms of my people are not lightly forsaken." Bard continues, "We are allies in this. My people also have a claim upon the riches in that mountain! Let me speak with Thorin!" Thranduil raises an eyebrow and asks, "You would try to reason with a dwarf?" Bard nods, saying, "To avoid war? Yes!"

At the mountain, Thranduil and Bard ride to the mountain. Bard now carries a sword, and Maira follows them. Thorin walks up to the gate and calls the other dwarves, "Come on!" The dwarves lay down everything and pick up their weapons. They walk up on the wall and see the walls of Dale filled with elven warriors ready for war. Bard rides forward, shouting up to Thorin, "Hail Thorin, son of Thrain! We are glad to find you alive beyond hope." Thorin answers, "Why do you come to the gates of the king under the mountain armed for war?" Bard answers the question with a question, asking, "Why does the king under the mountain fence himself in? Like a robber in his hole." Thorin answers, "Perhaps it is because I am expecting to be robbed." But Bard shakes his head, saying, "My lord - We have not come to rob you, but to seek a fair settlement. Will you not speak with me?"

Thorin nods and walks down from the wall. Bard dismounts his horse and walks over the bridge in front of the gate. He sees a raven flying away, and Maira knows what this raven is and that it could bring good or bring bad. She's interested to see. Bard now stands in front of a little hole in the wall. Thorin comes on the other side and says, "I'm listening."

Bard starts, "On behalf of the people of Laketown, I ask that you honor your pledge. A share of the treasure so that they might rebuild their lives." But Thorin denies him, saying, "I will not treat with any man while an armed host lies before my door." Bard looks a little angry, and Maira thinks that she would be too. But instead of threatening, she would just flatten the mountain until nothing was left. Bard continues, "That armed host will attack this mountain if we do not come to terms." But Thorin isn't swayed, "Your threats do not sway me." Bard looks pissed, and Maira can't hold it against him. He says, "What of your conscience? Does it not tell you our cause is just? My people offered you help. And in return, you brought upon them only ruin and death!" Thorin rebuts, saying, "When did the men of Laketown come to our aid, but for the promise of a rich reward?!" Bard leans agains the wall speaking again "A bargain was struck!" Thorin asks "A bargain? What choice did we have but to barter our birthright for blankets and food? To ransom our future in exchange for our freedom? You call that a fair trade? Tell me, Bard the Dragonslayer..." bard looks surprised how now does he know his Titel thorin continues "...Why should I honor such terms?" Bard answers "Because you gave us your word. Does that mean nothing?" Thorin turns away from the hole, leaning against the wall. He then looks at the dwarves standing before him and shouts over the wall, "Be gone, ere an arrow flies!" Bard hits the stone beside him in frustration, then turns around, riding back to Dale, with Maira following him.

As he returns to Dale, Thranduil is waiting for him. Bard says, "He will give us nothing." Thranduil doesn't seem surprised and responds, "Such a pity. Still, you tried." Bard asks in confusion, "I do not understand - Why? Why would he risk war?" They look to the mountain to see the dwarves dislodge the head of one of the statues, letting it fall on the bridge in front of the gate, making it inaccessible. Thranduil says, "It is fruitless to reason with them; they understand only one thing." He pulls his sword, looking at it, and continues, "We attack at dawn! Are you with us?" He rides away, and Bard looks back at the mountain. The people in Dale are arming themselves with the weapons that are left from before the attack, sharpening them.

Suddenly, a horse is seen riding into the city. People jump to the side to avoid it. It's Gandalf. He yells, "Let me through!" and continues, "Make way!" He then dismounts in the main courtyard, surprised to see men drilling with swords and companies of elves marching by. Suddenly, the voice of Alfrid is heard, "No, No, NO! Oi! You - pointy hat!" Gandalf turns to look at him and says, "Yes, you. We don't want no tramps, beggars, nor vagabonds around here. We got enough trouble without the likes of you. Off you go! On your horse." Gandalf ignores him and yells, "Who's in charge here?" Bard walks up, saying, "Who is asking?"

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