Chapter Five;

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Ironhide was drinking coffee and his mother had almost all the soldiers in the mess hall and he smiled at his mother. "Mamá, ¿qué estás haciendo? Necesitas relajarte, yo me encargo de esto." Ironhide said.

"Hijo, sabes que aquí soy el mejor cocinero, y ¿por qué no buscas a tu marido? Trinquete y su madre; Dala para el desayuno." Moranna said.

Ironhide chuckled and he saw Ratchet. "Hun, what's wrong?" Ironhide asked his husband. "My mom passed away in her sleep, I...I had no idea." Ratchet said. Ironhide held his husband; Ratchet in his arms.

Ironhide felt a wave of sadness wash over him. He couldn't even begin to imagine the pain Ratchet was going through.

He held Ratchet tighter as his husband's tears soaked into his shirt. Ironhide whispered comforting words in Ratchet's ear and kissed him gently on the forehead.

He then reached for his mother's hand and squeezed it, silently thanking her for being there for them in their time of need.

Dala had an honorable funeral and Optimus stood with his adopted dads, and the soldiers understood that Ratchet was very close with his mother. It was late at night and Ironhide Ratchet was going through his mother's things and Ratchet saw a photo of his father.

"Who's that ?" Ironhide asked. "I don't see a name, but I look like him," Ratchet said. Ironhide saw an address in Moscow or outside of the city.

"This gives us a clue," Ironhide said. "My childhood home," Ratchet said as he saw the address. "Charlotte Ironhide, me, Optimus, and Sasha are going to Russia," Ratchet said.

"Why?" She asked. "Because my father is alive, and I want to meet him," Ratchet said as he showed the address.

Ironhide was taken aback by Ratchet's declaration. "Are you sure you want to do this? We don't know how he might react to seeing you after all these years." Ratchet nodded and said, "I must know who my father is. I want to know why he left us and why he never tried to contact us." Ironhide sighed and said, "Let's go. We'll find your father together."

Ironhide, Ratchet, Optimus, and Sasha all traveled to Russia and they saw Ratchet's childhood home and Ratchet stepped out of the rental car and walked up to the house and he knocked.

"Чертовы дети... Рэтчет? Это ты?" Ratchet's father said. "Привет, папа, мама сказала в письме, что я должна с тобой познакомиться, а это мой муж и приемный сын и его девушка, она пошла с нами, потому что тоже говорит по-русски." Ratchet said as he introduced his family to his father.

His father hugged him and Ironhide then he hugged his adopted grandson and future granddaughter-in-law. Sasha smiled at Ratchet. "Твой папа очень милый." Sasha said. Ratchet chuckled at her. Optimus did too.

Ratchet's father was overjoyed to see them and welcomed them into his home. He invited them to stay for dinner and Ratchet explained to him how he had met and married Ironhide, met and adopted Optimus, and met Sasha when she joined NEST.

Ratchet's father was delighted to hear the story and he happily accepted Ironhide, Optimus, and Sasha as part of the family. The group enjoyed a wonderful meal together and Ratchet and his father had a chance to catch up and reminisce.

Optimus and Ironhide shared stories of their adventures with Ratchet and Sasha shared her experiences of learning the Russian language. At the end of the night, Ratchet's father hugged them all one last time and thanked them for coming to visit.

"Мама, умерла на прошлой неделе, и я нашел твою фотографию во время Второй мировой войны с нашим старым адресом, и я не знал, что ты полевой медик." Ratchet said. "Да, в конце войны я стал директором по санитарному надзору, главным врачом своего подразделения. Я вижу, ты пошел за мной, сынок, и ты нашел робота, который любит тебя за тебя, и теперь у тебя есть сын." His father said.

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