Chapter One;

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Optimus was born into a well-known family, the Prime family is the wealthiest yet powerful family, and Sentinel and their wife along with their friends; Ironhide and his boyfriend and soon-to-be- fiancée; Ratchet moved to Earth.

Soon the youngest son was born, Optimus Orion Prime was born and Ratchet and Ironhide became godfathers to Optimus.

They helped Quintessa and Ratchet had some form of motherly instincts and he was in charge of feeding Optimus when Quintessa couldn't or when she wasn't home. Ironhide helped out.

Optimus had a difficult childhood due to his parents' fame and power. His parents were often away due to their work and duties as Prime family members.

Fortunately, Optimus had his godfathers to help care for him and provide the guidance and support he needed.

Ratchet and Ironhide often took on the role of parental figures in Optimus' life, teaching him the values of honor, friendship, and loyalty.

When Optimus was nine years old he lost his mother and Sentinel was nowhere to be found or seen and Optimus didn't know what to do so he sat on the curb just in shock more than anything and his godfathers saw him. "Kid! What happened, where is Quitnessa?" Ironhide asked in worry.

"Inside she's not moving and Father isn't anywhere to be seen he's not home, we'll he was, but he left and I think he killed her." Optimus said. "The kid's in shock." Ironhide said as he picked up the nine-year-old boy.

Optimus soon fell asleep in Ironhide's arms. Ironhide and Ratchet have all the information to the cops and they adopted Optimus six months later on his ninth birthday. Optimus was home, and he was asleep.

Ironhide and Ratchet took it upon themselves to raise Optimus, helping him to cope with the loss of his mother. They provided him with a safe and loving environment to grow up in, and their presence allowed him to heal from the trauma of losing his mother at such a young age.

They taught him how to be strong, and independent, and to never give up. Optimus was forever grateful to them for giving him a chance at life, and he was determined to make them proud.

Seven years later;
Optimus was sixteen years old now and he had been in a relationship with Elita for almost a year.

Elita was a little clingy and she controlled what he did, who he saw, and didn't allow him to see his dads as it had been several months since he had seen them and had dinner with his dads: Ironhide and Ratchet.

Optimus was feeling suffocated by Elita's possessiveness and gradually their relationship was becoming strained.

He wanted to spend some time with his dads, but the fear of Elita's reaction was preventing him from doing so. He was feeling helpless and confused, and he didn't know how to tackle the situation.

Optimus was stuck with Elita for five years, and he was unsure of how to handle the situation and how to tell Elita how her behavior was affecting him and others around them.

She pushed her family and Optimus's family away so that she could keep it as just them and no one else. Optimus was worried about the day she tried to kill him out drunken rage.

Optimus was at a crossroads, he wanted to be there for Elita and help her, but he also wanted to protect himself and his family from her unpredictable behavior.

He could see Elita was struggling and needed help, but he also knew that unless she got help, things would only get worse.

He was scared of what Elita might do if he tried to leave her, and he was worried that he would never be able to get away.

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