"Okay, are we all ready?" He asks clapping his hands

Before Y/n can have the surgery, her arm has to be put into place.

So I was given the task to make sure Y/n inhales enough of the laughing gas so she won't feel it.

"Yep," I say placing the mask back over her mouth and making her burst out in laughter again
"Okay this should take less than a second," he says chuckling slightly at her.

I take hold of her left hand while my other continues to hold the mask carefully on her face.

"And three two one," he says before he snaps it straight,
"There we go," he says gently placing her arm back on the pillow
"One step down, two to go," he smiles

"We'll start prepping her for surgery now so it can be over as fast as possible," he explains writing on her chart.

After about ten minutes, two nurses come in and start getting her ready.

"No, no no touching my chair," Y/n scolds the nurse drowsily for trying to put her hair in a hair net type thing.

"She hates it when people touch her hair, here I'll do it," I inform them taking the hair thing

"Here we go baby," I cooe gently moving Y/n's head forward to carefully slip her hair in.
"Good job," I whisper kissing her forehead making her give a tired smile and giggle

"Ms Swift your welcome to walk with her to the OR doors," The nurse softly asks
"Yes please," I respond instantly
"Okay then let's go," she says moving Y/n's bed.

I gently hold Y/n's left hand the entire walk through the halls.

When we reach the metal doors reality sets in.

This is all happening too fast.

The nurses give me a minute to say bye to my girl before they push her inside.
1 minute wasn't long enough, what if she didn't hear me when I told her how much I love her? When the door closes behind them, I let the tears slip out of my eyes. I pull out my phone and call



I'm sitting in y/n's hospital room, staring at the floor using my hands to support my head, while I cry and overthink every choice I've ever made.
I've been sitting here like this for about twenty minutes.

"Taylor," my mom says relieved, standing at the door,

I look up at her with my face red and eyes puffy from crying.

She places her purse down on another empty chair and takes a few steps into the room before I stand up and crash into her arms.

"She was in so much pain Mom," I sob into her shoulder
"So much pain and I couldn't do anything to help her," I sob again loudly.
"I was so useless,"

"And she was so small in that massive bed they even had to get one of the smallest sizes of hospital gowns," I continue to cry.

"It's okay Tay, kids break bones all the time, she was just unlucky and got hurt badly," she says sympathetically rubbing my back.
"Let's sit down," she says sitting down so I sit next to her

My Famous Mom (one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now