Wormrose, A Goblin's Tale : Chapter 5:Baybysitting the Beast

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Dinka sat staring at the strange unconscious creature before her. She had done her best to gather the remains of the rat’s old nest, to make a comfortable bed for the stranger. She had gathered materials and built a fire and had gotten water as Worm had instructed her to do. She had also cleansed the wound on its head the best she could. The gash was deep and would require stitches.

All the while she mumbled and grumbled “I can’t believe Worm, and how she talk to me. I mean really, who de hell is you anyways? What is it she really want to save a ugly thing like you for?” She regarded the creature.

 “I mean look at you?”  She grumbled “You’ ears too small, and nose to small and you barely have any meat on you’ bone under them wet clothes” She chided the comatose boy. “Look at you in all you’ dandy clothes-I bet you is from a rich family!” Dinka regarding the boy disdainfully. She then noticed the shining buckle on his belt. Her eyes widened with excitement. “Well, well, what have we here? A shiny present, just for me?” She tried to pull the belt off, but it would not come loose.

“Son of an Elf!” She swore. She wished she had brought her knife with her. When Worm came back, she would go home and get her blade and come back later and remove that buckle.

 “And what taking she so long?” She griped “If she expect me to just sit and wait here with you, she lie! I mean , I know she Go’ma is something else , but I go get in trouble too!” she said earnestly  to the boy. There was no response from him other than a shallow breathing.

She picked up a discarded stick and poked in the fire and looked suspiciously at the unconscious creature. “I can’t wait till you wake up, so I can torture you” she grinned to herself. “I go make you tell me everything, and especially where you get all them nice things from, and if you don’t ? Well … you go have to deal with my Go’dad and  the Forest patrol.” She said sinisterly, as she poked the boy with the stick.

Just then, she heard the sound of footsteps in the tunnel.

“ Dinka! Dinka, you still here?” a loud whisper echoed in the cave.

“Worm, is that you?” Dinka replied cautiously.

“Dinka!  Yes it’s me! Worm replied happily. “Thank Goldhaven! I thought you would have already left!” Worm sighed in relief.

“You right! I shoulda’ left! What took you so long?” Dinka regarded Worm, her hands on her hips.

She could see Worm carrying a cauldron in her hand.

“I am so sorry Dinka,” Worm said genuinely “You wouldn’t believe the morning I had”.

Worm began to relay the events of the spilt tea.

Dinka sucked her teeth in response making an audible “steups” sound. “If I was you I’d ‘ave poured the whole pot of hot tea on Big-eye head! He deserve it, the little pile of rat-dung” Dinka added.

“You wouldn’t believe how much I wanted too!” replied Worm scathingly.

“So you’ Go’ma beat you?” Dinka asked softly.

“Nah, not yet” Worm replied. “She was too busy fussing over Big-eye, so she forgot me for now”

“That at least is good”, Dinka nodded in relief. “So how did you manage to get away then? “She asked.

“Well, I just took advantage of she being distracted with Big-eye really” said Worm “You should hear how he was bawling as if he was dying!” she added emphatically.

“Hmm, I can imagine” replied Dinka bemused.

 “Well I just quickly told Go’ma that I have to go to the lake again, as Shaman Master Borbut said  I need to bring leeches to class today, and she just told me to go. ” said Worm. "If it’s one thing I can always count on ,is that Go’ma at least cares about me doing well in school, even  if she don’t care about anything else”

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