Chapter 13: The Wolf and the Lion

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INT.Tower of the Hand

POV-3rd Person

Lyanna had spent the entire day preparing herself for the imminent disaster that awaited at the Small Council meeting. An earlier conversation with Lord Varys had left her uneasy about the information he had received from Essos. Anticipating her father's likely reaction, she decided to discuss the news with Lord Stark before someone else had the chance. As she approached the Tower of the Hand, she encountered Arya and Ser Jory.

"My lady," Jory greeted respectfully.

"Ser Jory," she acknowledged with a nod. "Arya."

"What can I do for you?" Jory inquired.

"I'm here to speak with the King's Hand. Is your lord available?"

He nodded. "He's in his chamber with Ser Yoren of the Night's Watch and Lord Draven, but we've been told to leave them in privacy."

"I take it he's seeking out recruits for the Watch? If he's come this far south."

"Yes, my lady."

"Very well. I suppose I could come back later, then. Good day, Ser Jory, and you too, Arya."

Jory and Arya bowed their heads, and as they began to descend the stairs, Lyanna halted Arya.

"Arya?" Lyanna called out to the young Stark. Arya stopped and turned back to look at her. Lyanna motioned for Arya to come back and follow her. Arya sought silent permission from Jory, who nodded, and then she joined the princess. Lyanna patiently waited for Jory's footsteps to fade before grasping Arya's hand and leading her through a secret passageway to Ned's room. The two pressed their ears against the wall, eavesdropping on the conversation on the other side.

"It's about your wife, my lord," someone said, presumably Yoren.

"What do you mean? My mother isn't one to act irrationally," Draven responded.

The girls continued to listen closely until the revelation hit them.

"She's taken the imp."

Lyanna's eyes widened in surprise, and anger quickly replaced her shock. 'Damn it, Cat! What have you done?' she thought.

Stepping away from the wall, Lyanna grabbed Arya and descended the stairs, leading her out onto the streets. Her destination was the White Sword Tower. But before she could make a move in that direction, Arya stopped her, tugging on her hand.

"Why'd you show me that passage? Why'd you let me listen in?" Arya questioned.

Sighing, Lyanna turned to face her. "Because one day, I believe it will be of great use to you, Arya Stark." And with that, Lyanna walked away toward the tower, leaving Arya to ponder her thoughts.

Arriving at the gates of the White Sword Tower, Lyanna was met by the familiar faces of Charles and Gage.

"My Princess," both Charles and Gage greeted.

"Ser Charles," Lyanna acknowledged. "Gage."

Charles observed her serious demeanor and inquired, "What brings you here today, Lya?"

"There is to be a Small Council meeting today. Once that's done, I need you to gather some of the Kingsguard, and Gage, I want you to find Ser Evander of the City Watch and his sister Alayne to accompany me."

"You suspect trouble, my lady?" the young boy asked, concern etched across his face.

"I do. Best not to say anything to anyone; get ready to move on my signal."

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