Chapter 9: Preparations

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INT.Bed Room-Red Keep

POV-3rd Person

Lyanna sat at her desk in her spacious chambers, the afternoon light filtering through the sheer curtains. She was engrossed in her work, going over the meticulously crafted letters and arrangements for the upcoming tournament. She was keenly aware of the responsibility that rested on her shoulders and was determined to execute her duties to the best of her abilities. To her right, a neat pile of documents lay ready to be dispatched later in the day. The letter to Draven, which she had written herself, was placed to her left, patiently waiting for her to finish her current work. She hoped that her efforts to bring down the cost of the tournament would bear fruit, and the acceptance of the terms in the letter by Draven would help in achieving that goal.

Lyanna meticulously finalized the last document, scanning it for any overlooked details. In a composed manner, she folded the paper, sealed it with crimson wax, and impressed it with House Baratheon's royal seal. She then leaned back in her chair, eyes closed, weariness evident from both her day's labor and a recent conversation with the King.


"You are testing my patience girl," Robert said in a low tone. "If I say there's going to be a tournament, there will be a tournament."

"Yes, but father, the crowns already in deep debt, to Grandfather, to..."

"What I say goes! I am the King! You have no say! No Place! And no RIGHT!"  Robert yells at his daughter.

"What would you have me do? Sit back in silence? To do nothing like Joffrey? To work from the shadows like Mother? We can not afford this, but if you paid more attention to your duties and the realm over your wine and cheap whores, we would be alright," Lyanna retorts. "If you'd only listened to me, to Lord Arryn, maybe we wouldn't be here."

"Watch yourself, you may be my daughter, but you're no heir, and I'm still the King." 

"I may not be your heir. But I am a damn better choice than that bastard you call my brother!" She finally snaps. "I do all the work, I run the Small Council, I keep the peace. ME! YOUR DAUGHTER! NOT YOUR SON! ME!" She choked back a sob, "I should be Queen, I should rule, I should be your heir." She whispers the last part.

Robert's face softens, "I know it's not fair. I know that you would do anything for the kingdom Lyanna, but you are my daughter and when I have a son he becomes heir. That is how the world works." Robert stands and pulls his daughter into a hug, "I wish it could be you. One day, I hope to see you sitting on that throne. You'll be the greatest ruler Westeros will see. I know it." Robert whispers the last part planting a kiss on his daughter's head. 


"Let it go. Now go make the plans for this bloody tournament." Robert dismissed.

Lyanna pulled away from her father and nodded, not wanting to be in this situation anymore she went to leave.

"One more thing. I want you to compete." Robert says stopping his daughter.

"Really?" Lyanna asks a small tinge of hope in her voice.

"Yes, you'll do exceptionally 'Peacekeeper', Robert says.

"Thank you, Father," Lyanna gratefully thanked him. 'Peacekeeper?' she asks herself, 'I can work with that.' 


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