Gage Catch-up

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Quick note. I've decided that Gage will probably play a more significant part in this story than I first intended (hope you guys don't mind). So here's a quick catch-up on what you need to know about him.

Gage will be played by Alex Lange. If I made him seem younger in the one scene he was introduced in I apologize. Gage is 15 years old so around Sansa's age. No, he won't be her love interest, I'm not sure he'll get a love story unless you want me to pair him up with someone, maybe Margaery, that is what I'm thinking as of now.  Gage is one of Jaime's bastards, I know surprising it's not Cersei's son. Gage took on his mother's last name Stone but he thought that was his father's last name as well because he didn't know Jaime was his father and his mother kept it that way his whole life. Gage has been a stable boy most of his life working odd jobs here and there for Charles's father Littlefinger and helping Gendry at the armory. Gage can't wait for his 16th birthday because that is when he can become a knight thanks to Charles and Lyanna. The two older characters are basically his older siblings he loves them and they love him. Anyway thanks to everyone who's been reading and if you have any suggestions for Gage or anything else let me know.

 Anyway thanks to everyone who's been reading and if you have any suggestions for Gage or anything else let me know

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