Chapter 6: Journey on the Kingsroad

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POV-3rd Person

As the group made their way through the Barrowlands along the kingsroad. King Robert, had surged ahead on his mighty black steed, urging it onward with unbridled enthusiasm. Ned rode alongside him, doing his best to match the king's pace.

The guards trailed behind, maintaining a respectful distance, out of earshot but ever vigilant. However, Robert showed no intention of slowing down, his eagerness palpable. Finally, they reached a vast, open meadow, where Robert had prepared a makeshift table, laden with wine and food.

With a hearty laugh, Robert took a moment to relieve himself against a nearby tree, his laughter echoing across the rolling plains. He pulled up his pants and returned to the table, still grinning. "Gods," he exclaimed, "this is true country! I've half a mind to leave them all behind and keep going. I swear, Ned, this creeping along is enough to drive a man mad."

Ned couldn't help but smile. "I've half a mind to go with you."

King Robert, vented his impatient frustrations. "That damned carriage, my daughter's insistence that I 'maintain a steady pace so the rest of the family can keep up.' I swear if I have to listen to it creaking and groaning one more time, Seven hells! If that wretched thing so much as breaks another axle, I'm going to chop it to little pieces, burn it down, and Cersei can walk the rest of the way!"

With a conspiratorial lean towards Ned, he continued, "What do you say, Ned? Just you and me on the kingsroad, swords at our sides, a couple of tavern wenches to warm our beds tonight?"

Ned's expression grew wistful as he considered the offer. "You should have asked me that twenty years ago. We have responsibilities now, Robert... to the realm, our children. I to my lady wife and you to your Queen. We are not boys anymore."

Robert's gaze grew distant, "There were wars to fight, women to marry... More's the pity. Never had the chance to be young."

Ned nodded in understanding, "I recall a few chances."

Robert's raucous laughter filled the meadow, "There was that one... Oh, what was her name?" he mused, scratching his head. "That common girl of yours? Becca? With the great big tits, you could bury your face in."

"Bessie. She was one of yours," Ned corrected with a hint of amusement.

"Bessie!" Robert exclaimed, snapping his fingers in acknowledgment. "Thank the gods for Bessie and her tits. Yours was... uh, Aleena? No. You told me once. Err... Meryl? Your bastard's mother?"

"Wylla," Ned responded with a touch of solemnity.

"That's it," Robert declared with a grin, extending his finger in acknowledgment. "She must have been a rare wench to make Lord Eddard Stark forget his honor. You never told me what she looked like."

Ned's discomfort grew evident as he shifted in his seat. His mouth tightened slightly in annoyance. "Nor will I. Just leave it be, Robert, for the love you say you bear me. I dishonored myself that day and I dishonored my wife, in the sight of gods and men."

"Gods have mercy, you scarcely knew Cat."

"I had taken her to wife. She was carrying our second child."

"We were at war, Ned. None of us knew if we were going to go back home again. You're too hard on yourself. You always have been. I swear if I weren't your King, you'd have hit me already."

Ned's somber expression softened briefly, "The worst thing about your coronation... I'll never get to hit you again."

Robert's words hung heavy in the air as he handed the sealed parchment to Ned. "Trust me, that's not the worst thing," he grumbled, his demeanor growing more serious. "There was a rider in the night."

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