Chapter 1: If it were only the Begining

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INT. King's Landing

POV: 3rd Person

The resounding peals of the bells echo throughout King's Landing, the bustling capital of Westeros. It is with heavy hearts that the city's residents mourn the sudden passing of Jon Arryn, the esteemed Warden of the East, Lord of the Eyrie, and Hand of the King. His lifeless body now rests in the grandeur of the throne room, where the Silent Sisters, with their solemn presence and reverent prayers, meticulously prepare him for his final resting place. On the balcony, one can see the noble ladies of the court standing with grace. Amidst them, Queen Cersei of House Lannister stands while leaning against the railing, seemingly lost in deep contemplation. Her gaze lingers on Lord Arryn's lifeless body, which lies before her. The moment is still, and one can sense the weight of the situation upon the queen's shoulders. 

As she stands in the midst of contemplation, the sound of approaching footsteps disrupts her solitude. She is taken aback as she realizes that the one approaching her is none other than her twin brother, Ser Jaime Lannister. Known throughout Westeros for his unparalleled sword-fighting prowess, Jaime was appointed as the youngest member of the Kingsguard by the last Targaryen king, Aerys the Second of His Name, at the tender age of only fifteen years old. Regrettably, his notoriety spread far and wide as the "Kingslayer" due to his treacherous act of plunging a blade into the back of King Ayers, resulting in his untimely death at the base of the Iron Throne. This heinous act was a direct violation of his solemn oath to safeguard the monarch at all costs. 

Jaime stands casually at the edge of a surface, gazing thoughtfully at his twin sister as he prepares to offer her guidance and advice. "As your brother, I feel it's my duty to warn you, you worry too much. It's starting to show."

"And you never worry about anything. When we were seven, you jumped off the cliffs at Casterly Rock. A 100-foot drop into the water. And you were never afraid."

"There was nothing to be afraid of until you told Father," Jamie responds in a joking tone before dropping his tone to imitate their father Tywin. "We're Lannisters. And Lannisters don't act like fools."

"What if Jon Arryn told someone?" Cersei questions her brother.

"But who would he tell?" Inquires Jaime.

"My husband."

Jaime just shrugged his shoulders. "If he told the king, both our heads would be skewered on the city gates by now. Whatever Jon Arryn knew or didn't know, it died with him. And Robert will choose a new Hand of the King, someone, to do his job while he's off fucking boars and hunting whores. Or is it the other way around? And life will go on."

"You should be Hand of the King."

"That's an honor I can do without. Their days are too long, their lives are too short."

INT.Bedroom-King's Landing

In her chambers stood the Princess, Lyanna Baratheon. She had been busy packing whatever was required for the journey to Winterfell in the North. Standing in front of the mirror to properly tuck her royal riding attire, she didn't let her true feelings show, but deep down she was having trouble coping with Jon Arryn's death, the man who became a second grandfather to the Princess. Jon taught the princess essentially everything she knows, even letting her sit in on the Small Council meetings sometimes letting her run them. As Lyanna was brought up with her studies and sometimes allowed to touch a sword from time to time courtesy of her uncle Jaime, she was more prepared than ever to one day sit on the Iron Throne. But alas her brother Joffrey was born and she had to say goodbye to that dream. Lyanna was quick to learn new things and present that in the hope her father would choose her as the heir, but the day never came and now she was stuck alone in her own possible pursuit of the Iron Throne but she would and could never hurt her brother like that no matter how much of an ass he was. 

Her thoughts were interrupted by a light knocking pattern on the door. 

"Come in," Lyanna answers smile on her face.

The door opens and in steps her good friend and most trusted knight of the Kingsguard, Charles Baelish. He bows in respect, "Forgive me Princess but the King and Queen have requested your presence at the palace gates."

"Thank you, Charles, tell them I'm on my way."

The knight bows once more before turning to leave, he then turns back and picks up one of her bags a small smile on his face. 

Lyanna takes one final look at her room before walking out after her friend. 

If, it were only the beginning she thought to herself. 

Chapter 1 end.

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