Chapter 17

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I don't even care that I feel like I got run over by a train this morning.  I get to see at least three of my closest friends today.  In fact, I even set my alarm to wake myself up.  Of course, I set the alarm sound to Hannah's favorite number off the Chain Breaker soundtrack: "Winner".  There is honestly no better way to set the hype for her nineteenth birthday than with the most hype song in the entire musical.  

I'm so excited I can barely stand it.  I keep having to hold myself back and remind myself that, unfortunately, I'm not going out with the squad tonight to celebrate her.  As my poor luck would have it, I'm still stuck here in this hospital bed recovering from the operation that narrowly saved my life.  More than anything, I wish I could just magically rid my body of whatever is left of the infection that almost claimed my life last weekend, make my incisions scar over, and get out of here so I could be with Hannah and Oliver tonight.  

But hey, at least I get to see both them and Kaya today.  I woke up early because Kaya will be here in about an hour to drop off the doll that Oliver and I pitched in to get for Hannah.  I'm hoping she can stay for a little bit; I know she misses me, and I'm not sure she's going to make it back to see me the rest of the week.  It's Thursday, five days since my surgery, and she's only seen me three times.  She's used to seeing me every day.  I can't imagine how hard it is for her to realize she's got at least another seven weeks to go before she can even hope to have me back onstage with her.  

At least she's got Oliver.

The show would not be able to go on without Oliver.

I wish I was joking.

Randy texted me yesterday and told me that if Oliver hadn't signed up to take my place, the show would likely have gone down, and I probably wouldn't have a show to come back to when I recovered.  I don't even want to think about that.  I want to focus on the fact that even though it was a horrific event that put Oliver and Hannah in this position, they got the job, and they are everything I always knew they could be.  I count myself honored every single day that I get to call them my best friends.  They are stars, more than I could ever hope to be.

Lucky for everyone, the nurses come in to pump me bright and early, and I get about fifteen minutes to rest and clean myself up before Kaya shows up.  She's carrying the doll in a neatly wrapped box.  "I have a lot I need to talk to you about before I run off," she blurts out before I can even get a word in to say hello.  "I won't be able to come back for the rest of the week, so this is the last time you're going to see me until at least Monday, unless you're up to video calling me.  They've almost got the theater fixed up, so I'm about to be back in work mode."

"Take a seat," I reply.  "I want to hear everything that's on your mind, sis.  Everything going okay at rehearsals?"

Kaya hands me the box, sits down in the chair next to the bed, and sighs heavily.  "It depends on what aspect you're asking about.  Oliver and Hannah are everything you hyped them up to be and more.  Morgan and I have hit it off like we're long lost sisters.  I've never seen anyone other than you work like Oliver does.  So, yes, rehearsals are going amazing.  Your friends fit right in.  I'm just so nervous for that man's mental state.  I watch him fight back tears every time he enters your dressing room and sees your name on the door.  I'm worried he's going to wait until it's too late to let the dam break, kind of like- kind of like you waited until your appendix actually burst and it was almost too late to save you.  I don't want him to wait that long.  I've come to love him as much as you do, and I can't stand to watch him tear himself apart."

"Please tell me you aren't babying him," I plead.  "He hates that.  You're just going to make it worse if you coddle him.  The problem is that you're one hundred percent right with that analogy.  But I know him, Kaya.  I've been talking to him.  I don't think he's going to wait much longer before he breaks, hopefully.  I watch him crack more every day, and I hate it, too.  Hannah's going to help him more than anything.  By the way, I have a kind of unrelated question for you.  Is he getting around okay backstage with his crutches?  I know there are a couple stairs, and I know he's capable of doing stairs if he has to, but he prefers not to."

Kaya nods.  "Some of the ensemble members take turns carrying him up the stairs.  And before you say anything, he asked for it.  He seems to enjoy it, honestly.  Anyway, can I tell you what we're doing tonight before I get out of here so that I'm gone by the time Oliver and Hannah show up?"

"Spill the tea."

"We're going to give them the stuff you signed at rehearsal today.  Then, we're going to do a full dress rehearsal.  Tonight, I'm going to pick them up with Morgan.  Your mom and dad are going to meet us at that Italian place that I like.  We're also taking Hannah to the Broadway store.  I think your mom and dad are planning to come to see you this afternoon.  At least, that's what they told me to tell you."

I smile at her.  "I can't wait.  I'm getting so many visitors today.  This is way better than the awful selection of TV channels on this stupid TV.  I just want you to promise me one thing."

"What do you need?" she asks.  "Are you okay?"

"I'm as okay as I can be, given the circumstances.  This isn't about me.  This is about our girl Hannah.  I never planned to be stuck in the hospital on her birthday.  So, what I need you to do is make sure she has a good day.  And if it's not too much trouble, keep an eye on Oliver.  Like I said, I know him, and he's not going to be able to hold on for much longer.  I give it twenty four hours max before he breaks.  I know you guys are going to Jam Session tomorrow to keep with tradition, so just promise me someone will keep an eye on both of them.  That's all I need you to do.  Make sure Hannah has a good birthday despite the fact I can't leave this hospital, and make sure Oliver feels safe.  Please?"

Kaya puts her hand on her heart.  "I promise I will.  I promise I'll take care of them.  Oh, and about Morgan, you're doing a good job, Derek.  She tells me all about the things you tell her.  If she hadn't fallen in love with you before, she certainly has now.  Keep it up.  I think you may have just found your soulmate."

With a smile, I gaze out into the hallway.  "Yeah, I think you might be right."  

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