Chapter 12

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The next day, I'm feeling slightly better, but not by much.  Still can't hold anything down, still can't get up without help, still in pain.  However, I now have a distraction.  I have gotten about fifteen chapters into the first of the two books Morgan sent me.  Not only that, but I had a little conversation with Oliver when I woke up this morning, and I found out there is an actual live action television show based on the book series.  It's on the same streaming service that Chain Breaker is on, and Oliver was nice enough to tell me how far to watch to keep up with the book and not spoil it for myself.  

I watched part of one episode of this show after they pumped my stomach this morning.  I have no idea how I didn't hear of this show earlier; the guy who plays the main dude is Kaya's biggest celebrity crush.  When I first started playing Enso, I somehow got involved in a week long prank war with her that I won by using an app to trick her into thinking this actor was calling her.  I've never seen her so mad, and she still brings it up every time I accidentally tick her off.  It's become her favorite way to put me in my place.  I love it, honestly, because three years later, I still find it hilarious.  

Hannah, Oliver, and Randy will be here soon.  Seeing them is the highlight of my day.  I love joking around with Hannah and watching Oliver blossom into the star we've all known he is since he was a senior in high school.  However, I've noticed that Oliver is definitely not enjoying coming into the hospital.  He thinks I don't notice when he squirms a little when his eyes fall upon the tubes attached to me, but I've seen it every time, and so has Hannah.  Every time he looks even remotely uncomfortable, she picks up on it right away and puts a hand on his shoulder.  When she does this, his whole body relaxes.  

It's not long before they show up, and I try to force myself to sit up to say hello, but I can't do it am instead forced to call out a greeting and wave from my half sitting, half laying down position. 

"We brought someone to see you," Hannah announces.

Someone walks out from behind her, and that's when my heartbeat skips over itself.

I lock eyes with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Hannah's roommate.

Morgan Lane.

"You're- you're even hotter in person," Morgan breathes.  "I can't believe that I get to actually see you."

Despite the IV in my hand, I reach up and gently take hers.  "Morgan, I would have waited forever to see you.  I didn't want to rush you.  I wanted you to come when you felt you were ready.  My late grandmother used to tell me that good relationships are never rushed.  How are you today?"

She's blushing furiously, but refuses to let go of my hand.  I'm letting her be the guide.  I would let go, but she clearly doesn't want me to, because she keeps lightly squeezing my fingers as if she can't believe that I'm real.  "I'm good," she replies after a long hesitation.  "After our conversation last night, I just- I don't know what came over me.  One minute I was too scared to be in the same room as you, and then when you said you'd wait for me, suddenly I had to see you.  I could have driven myself, but I wanted Hannah and Oliver to be here for moral support, so I asked her this morning if I could come."

I smile warmly at her.  I can hear the heart monitor speeding up in the background, but I don't care.  Morgan is here, with me.  It will only be for about fifteen minutes, but I am willing to hope that she will come back.  "I'm just glad you're here," I tell her.  "I've been reading the first of the books you sent me.  I really enjoy it."

She seems to relax a little, now that she realizes that I'm a pretty chill, normal guy in real life.  "Did you find the show yet?"

I nod.  "I started watching this morning.  My costar Kaya has a massive crush on the actor who plays the main dude.  Pretty good show."

"All of my girlfriends in high school were obsessed with him," Morgan answers with a shy smile.  "I couldn't see what they saw in him when you exist.  And now, here I am, visiting you.  Current situation kind of sucks, but hey, you're going to live, right?"

"Most likely, yeah," I reply.  "And don't worry, you are more than welcome to hang out with us once I'm back to work.  I'm assuming you're on your way to meet the rest of the cast, so let me call it right now.  You and Kaya are going to hit it off.  If Lucy tries to mother you, let her do it.  And do me a favor, keep an eye on Oliver.  Just make sure he's okay."

Morgan squeezes my hand again.  "Will do."

I look up at Hannah and Oliver.  "Sorry for ignoring you guys," I apologize.  "I hope you don't have an issue with me hitting it off with your roommate, Hannah."

Hannah shakes her head.  "Oh, absolutely not.  Go right ahead."

Just then, Randy calls from the doorway to let them know that they need to go.  My heart sinks as Morgan reluctantly says goodbye, and I know that I have to do something.  So I do the only thing I can think of.  I call Hannah and Oliver back to me.  

"Everything okay, bro?" Oliver asks.

I sigh heavily.  I cannot hide it anymore if I want to do this.  "I really like Morgan," I admit, heart pounding.  "Can you get me her number?"

Hannah and Oliver grin at each other and high five.  Then Hannah pulls out her phone and shows me Morgan's number, which I add to my phone.  "About time," she says with a smirk.  

"You don't mind if I make a move, do you?" I check with her.  

"Of course not.  You're the same age."

"Not only that, but you're perfect for each other," Oliver adds.  "I've watched you two for the past ten minutes giving each other the biggest heart eyes."

"You guys are amazing," I reply.  "See you tomorrow.  Have fun today."

They both hug me, and then leave me alone with my phone, now with one new contact.  I decide to wait a little bit before texting her.  

All at once, I become aware of the pain again, but now, it doesn't matter.  I met Morgan Lane, and she met me.  People can say she's just another fangirl, but she's not.  She's more than that, and I can no longer deny the fact that I am falling in love with her.  

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