Chapter 27

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I popped out of Ember's shadow where I had been since the three of them had been buried in snow, and stared in shock.

"Did they just get kidnapped by a Yeti?" I asked still not sure if i was dreaming.

"Yes," Ember said, as we continued to stare in shock, before snapping out of it and chasing after them. Along the way I collected a poe soul from a small snow mountain before the yetis big house.

Inside I collected another two poe souls, one in plain sight, and one Ember found behind a statue before we headed into a living room where we saw a sick female yeti.

"... Who?" She said, "Uh... sorry... I have sickness. Uh... come closer uh?"

Upon doing so knowing it was too late to hide. She continued.

"You cute little imp," she said, much to my dismay. "Why you come?"

"Me and my friends were searching for a mirror shard when your husband brought them here," I said.

"Husband did bring children to warm up with soup." She said, "He know where they are. As for mirror. My husband also find it, but it pretty thing, uh. But since I get mirror I get sick, and then bad monsters appear... so many bad things happen since mirror. So we lock bedroom on third floor where it hangs, uh? Wait I tell you where key is."

With that she gave me a map of the mansion with a mark on it. "Fever makes head blurry, but... it probably here in this room marked by this symbol. But right now, can't even get up. Would you bring it to me, uh? Start with door right here. Meet husband too."

I agreed knowing this would be a good way of getting back at Luna, Linkette, and Saria. Before heading to the room knowing I couldn't hide like normal.

"Uh! You!" Yeto said seeing me. "Wife... look bad, uh? Not healthy since mirror... so I make soup for her. Fish from Zora village are most nutritious!"

"Have you seen my friends?" I asked, looking around, "there children you brought here?"

"I give soup to warm up," Yeto said, "not seen since."

"He's telling the truth," Ember said in my ear. "Maybe they went on ahead?"

"Knowing them, they probably left to go find you again," Navi hmmphed.

"I guess we'll see," I said, as we left the room. Before smirking, "and if I save the day before them I get to rub in the fact that I'm a better hero."

In the next room I saw a bottle of still warm soup just sitting on the ground.

"Well they got here at least," I said.

"Doesn't mean anything," Navi said, "If they found that Ooccoo that has been in every dungeon so far they could be warped out while leaving this for you in case they miss you."

"Well no sense letting good soup go to waste," I said, picking up the bottle and drinking it. "Now let's wait a few minutes to see if they warp back when they find we are no longer where we were separated.

-Luna's POV-

As we fell with the soup into the stomach we felt the familiar tingle of being turned to our animal forms, before splashing into the stomach acid. When I swam up I felt a slight tingle, but no pain that I expected, as I swam onto a piece of soup, noticing that I could only see due to my animal senses, as I looked to Linkette and Saria climbing on it with me.

Looking at them I noticed they were missing some fur, making me believe that that was the tingle.

"Now what?" I asked.

"I don't know," Linkette sighed, "the last time we were eaten, the fish that ate us got eaten by a fish deity that we could escape from. That isn't the case here. I'm guessing we are just going to have to hope Midna can finish the quest,"

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