Chapter 17

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We arrived in the spirit spring and immediately turned around to leave when we were stopped by a twili with a strange mask. Lanaryu showed up only for him to release a blast of energy that blasted him into a wall, and knocked us out. I don't know about the others, but the last thing I felt was my body being turned back into my animal form, as I blacked out,

When I regained consciousness I saw the Twili moving towards Midna and leapt to protect her, noticing Linkette and Saria did the same. Unfortunately, he summoned a red ball of magic that we hit instead, blasting us back and knocking us out again.

We slowly woke up and noticed we were outside, but I raised my paws and looked at Saria and Linkette as we noticed we were in our animal forms again.

"Hey, over here," Ember called. Causing us to look back at the fairies only to see a pale and heavily breathing Midna, bot in shadow form despite us being in the world of light.

"What happened?" I asked as Saria tried to heal her.

"It's no good!" She said, "my healing isn't strong enough to help her."

"That man was Zant," Ember said, making me glad fairies can understand animals. "He got rid of the light turning you into animal form, and when the three of you hit his spell, it made some sort of crystal go inside your heads, that trapped you in your current form, before trying to get Midna to join him. She refused, so he brought the light back, with Midna between him and the spirit, and Lanaryu blasted Midna with the light, while Zant's armor protected him. Lanaryu then teleported us out here, but Midna is not doing very well."

"He also said the princess in the castle can return your true forms," Navi added, "so let's go."

"We need to heal Midna!" the three of us growled, causing Navi to roll her eyes.

"There's nothing you can do!" Navi said, "only Twilight Magic can heal her now and only Luna can use that and she doesn't know any Twilight healing spells. So unless you get Zant, the one who caused this, to heal her, she is done for. The princess can give you back your forms so you can avenge her. If you even want to. She has been rude the entire time and she said those Fused Shadows could stop Zant, only for him to steal them with ease, meaning she was lying. She was probably secretly working for him and got betrayed."

I got so angry I jumped up and trapped her in my mouth. I wrinkled my muzzle in distaste at the bitter flavor, like she was so annoying it had soaked into her very taste. And she kept fluttering about.

"Yeah, she doesn't taste good," Ember said, "a fairies taste is decided by our personality, and Navi, her personality, must find it annoying, thus she tastes bitter."

"We can take turns carrying her in our mouth until we save Midna," Linkette said.

"I may not be able to heal her, but I can stabilize her so she doesn't get worse." Saria said, "we just need to find a way to heal her."

"Ironically we might need the princess's help for that," Ember said, causing us to look at her. "The princess holds the Triforce of Wisdom. If anyone knows a way to heal her, she will."

"Right!" Linkette said. "Saria, you work on stabilizing Midna. The three of us will work together to carry her to the castle."

I spit Navi out, she turned to yell at me only for Linkette to jump up and catch her in her mouth instead, and like me she grimaced at the taste

"We won't be able to go through the main door," I said. "Luckily, Telma said there was a secret entrance to the castle in her bar. We can use that."

"Right," Saria and Ember said, while Linkette just nodded as a picked her up on our backs, though with our age we were small enough it took all three of us to carry her.

We then made our way from our place in North Hyrule field to the entrance of Castle Town. When we entered we saw that the rain made it so not a lot of people were outside, but those that were were running away screaming, much to my confusion with how young we were small enough we weren't scary at all.

"Why are they screaming and running away?" Saria asked.

"Don't know, with our size we aren't that scary," I said.

Linkette then spit out Navi who was glowing red in rage, only for Saria to quickly move her head and grab her, grimacing again.

"She's going to be furious," Ember sighed, "but hopefully she'll learn compassion and that the mission doesn't come before life. After all, what is the point of saving the world if there is no one to live in it. Thus saving all life you come across is a very good thing."

"Hopefully," Linkette said, "but they are scared because we are carrying Midna. She looks like a defeated twilight monster, like those that attacked the town, but is moving on her own to them, since they can't see us, due to Midna's body covering us. So they think they can still attack even after being defeated."

"Oh," I said, before we continued on, luckily the path being cleared so we could get there fast.

"You there!" a voice called as we approached the bar. When we looked we saw Louise, Telma's cat, approaching from an upper window.

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