Chapter 4: Hostiles Detected

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Silence, that was what followed the strike, no babies cried, no shouts of distress, no echos of footsteps. Gazes stared up upon the wall; the barrier between the outside world and the cradled nest of humanity no longer stood as the tallest beacon to reach for the heavens.

A creature not of flesh but muscle and bone, framed by ember-filled steam billowed from its body, stood a Titan of colossal proportions. Shock, fear, and cavalcades of emotion spread through the people of Shiganshina. Their bodies unmoving, before one emotion gripped every last citizen as the beast shifted, pure terror. A second thunderous boom shook the air seconds later, manifesting the deepest-seated nightmares of everyone watching as debris went flying. Boulders larger than men showered from the impact point, crushing people and shredding structures like bugs and paper. Mass mania spread as the citizens' stunned silence shattered into unbridled screams.

As suddenly as the Colossal Titan had appeared, it shrunk away after its deed was done, and the rumbling of footsteps echoed from the breach within the wall. Stepping forth into the light, for the first time for the those sheltered within, the disfigured proportions of titans made themselves known. Yet, Mathew could only stare with his heart pounding, yet body rigid.

"T-they broke the wall...t-they're inside." He muttered, finding the strength to speak as he watched in horror. Countless people ran by them, shoving each other in a frantic fervor, trampling over those unfortunate to not remain on their feet. Despite it all, Eren stumbled forward, his eyes wide in a trance-like daze. "O-our house was in that direction; mom was home alone...M-mom!" He cried, running against the grain towards where the titans spewing forth. Soon after, Mikasa was at his side, crying out his name, leaving Armin beside Mathew, shaking.

"It's all over, t-they're inside, w-we," he stuttered, gripping his trembling arm, turning his attention to the older boy as he slowly met his gaze, the teen's terror morphing into something else as he spoke. "You have to go, now." He said before gripping Armin's arm and yanking him towards the safety of the inner wall. Whether by instinct or mass panic, the blonde didn't look back as he ran, only ahead as the stampede blocked out if the teen was on his heels. Mathew however, with his heart rate quickly dropping and an expression of focus, dug into his pocket. Turning back to stare upon the threat that now befell the people, the pilot tucked the small device into his ear.

"Reaper, Castle Crashed is in effect, I repeat, code Castle Crashed is in effect, break. Get here as fast as you can. I'm making my way back to you, over." He ordered before turning and running. Sprinting at full speed, the pilot moved through the streets, hurdling over upturned carts and scattered debris. Rounding corner after corner through the maze-like streets, he stumbled once more upon the blacksmith shop. Intending to spend but a mere glance, Mathew suddenly stumbled over his feet, his chest pounding, and uneven breaths followed upon seeing what remained.

Gripping his head with dilating eyes, Mathew saw the bloody remains of the man that once ran the place lying underneath a chunk of the wall. Bile burned the back of his throat as an earthshaking footstep broke his spell. Turning back, the sun's light no longer reached the street he stood upon, darkened by the bloated abomination standing two stories tall. Its dead, emotionless gaze locked upon him, its mouth agape, stained with the blood of man that dripped from gnarled lips.

Staggering back, Mathew reached behind him, his fingers fumbling to free his ax as the monster stepped forward, arm outstretching. Mathew, suddenly coming to his senses upon thinking through his gut reaction, had little time to run once his weapon was freed, getting only a few meters before he was snatched within its clutches. Relenting a pained cry as the monster squeezed down upon him, Mathew swung his ax into the beast's hand, digging into its flesh before yanking it free to swing again. Over and over, faster and faster with each second, adrenaline flowing through his veins, thicker than blood as he hacked away. Over and over, second by second, the grip did not release around Mathew's body, the maw opening to receive him, exhaling the scent of fermented meat.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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