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The news spread of a mysterious cat man known as Cat Noir making his appearance notice in Paris. Adrien reading the paper chuckled at the gossip of his badass look, sexy charm, and his dangerous claws.

"Meoooow" He uttered while reading.

"You are so dead when he finds out you're him," Nino said.

"Adrien is a vampire, Cat Noir is like a curious wild cat" Adrien corrected him.

"Ah, yeah. One with fangs" Nino said.

"And they say Cat Noir's fangs are dazzling" Adrien chuckled at reading the paper, "Cats can bite nasty like a panther"

"Indeed, and you got the attention of the girls too," Nino said.

"Yup but my heart belongs to Marinette," Adrien said.

"You're taking way too long to reveal who you are to her. Unless you're afraid she'll whoop your ass" Nino snickered.

"When the moment is right I will," Adrien said.

"Okay, time to man up," Nino said as he pushed Adrien into the coffin, "I'm getting your scaredy ass out. Do you want a man to claim her?"

"Of course not" Adrien replied.

"Are you gonna let her move on before she outgrows you?" Nino pressuring him.

"No, I can't risk her growing old while I do not," Adrien said.

"Are you gonna let her go until she marries someone else?" Nino said.

"Of course not!" Adrien said determined.

"Do you want a vampire to bite her neck to claim her as his bride?!" Nino shouted in his face like a general soldier.

"NO SIR!" Adrien shouted.

"Do you want her?!" Nino shouted.

"I DO!" Adrien spoke from his heart.

"Do you love her?!" Nino shouted again.

"Yes! I do!" Adrien shouted back.

"That's the spirit, Dude" Nino said.

"Are you done?" Adrien said, nearly almost had the urge to bite.

"All done," Nino said.

"Sheesh, I nearly almost had the urge to bite," Adrien said.

"And that is why I'm trying to have you build up determination. Did it work?" Nino teased.

"Of course it did. I better meet her as soon as possible" Adrien looks at the grandfather clock.

"And stop being a scaredy cat and show her your sexy side as a vampire cat," Nino said.

"You bet I will" Adrien smirked.


Marinette once more donned the Ladybug suit and set out patrolling on the rooftops. She was careful to not fall from the rooftop and then threw her yo-yo towards a chimney to swing over.

Pulling the yo-yo was a mistake when it pulled her and she was swinging out of control, "WHHOOOOOAAAAA!!!!"

She desperately tries to stop herself on the roof but clashes into the chimney, "Ow!"

"Ouch, that's gotta hurt. Are you okay?" Cat Noir found her and helped her up.

"I'm fine, Kitty," Ladybug said.

"What in the world were you doing?" Cat Noir said.

"Just trying out my specially made yo-yo so I can swing like Tarzan," Ladybug said.

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