Changes in Diet

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It took Gabriel all night to make a cure from werewolf fur and potion to remove the curse of the werewolf. Gabriel never thought that pressuring son and punishing Nino would get on Adrien's bad side, especially very pissed that he almost burned in sunlight. Never again would he do that. He checks the recipe to see he got it right. Adrien was standing there with his arms crossed, glaring at him that he hasn't forgotten what he did to his friend. It was very unforgivable and almost a death punishment if the vampire council knew what Gabriel did.

"I hope you learned your lesson, Father" Adrien said.

"Lessons are for humans" Gabriel said before giving the vial to him.

"This better work" Adrien goes to Nino.

Once in his room, he handed the potion to Nino, "It's done buddy, drink it up" Adrien said.

"You sure it's not poison? Your father hates my guts a lot. Please tell me you kicked his ass in hell for me" Nino was very stressed out.

"I did, but I hope this will work" Adrien said.

Nino looks at the potion before gulping it all up, "Agh! Next time some flavor!" Nino did not like the taste, "It tastes like wolf piss"

He felt his primitive thinking returning to normal like a man and his hunger for meat has reduced, "Haaaah.... thank you" Nino panted.

"Test diet. Werewolves don't eat vegetables. See if you're a human" Adrien hands him garden salad.

Nino sniffs on it before taking a bite, "Mmmmmm" He wasn't rejecting it.

"Thank god. You're back. Don't be afraid to tell me if my father does something out of madness" Adrien said.

"Okay Dude" Nino said.

"And my father better not do that again" Adrien said.

"He's done enough" Nino said.

"Plagg" Adrien called his cat to come.

"Meow" Plagg walks up to his owner.

"Comfort my best friend. Make sure my father doesn't try anymore torture to him again" Adrien said.

Plagg nods and walks up to Nino, nuzzling on him.

"And I thought your cat doesn't like strangers" Nino pets him.

"Except you" Adrien said.

"Anyways, thanks for the cure. I couldn't stop shedding all that fur" Nino said.

"You're welcome" Adrien said.


With Marinette, she was out in the rainy night holding an umbrella. It was almost nighttime and she was wondering where that cocky cat lives but he likes to be classified and top secret from her.

In one hand she had a bottle of milk with her, "I hope Kitty returns soon to my apartment" She looks around making sure there's no thugs nearby.

She sighed in relief but it was cut short that Chloe came to humiliate Marinette once again while her friend Sabrina does nothing at all.

"What do you want this time?" Marinette asked nervously.

"I'm making sure you don't steal my victory in winning the contest, baker girl! I deserve to win!" Chloe said.

"We haven't started it yet! And my work isn't done yet!" Marinette protested.

"Sabrina! Keep the umbrella on me!" Chloe demanded.

"Yes Chloe" Sabrina nodded

"Heed my warning, baker girl. You don't stand a chance" Chloe glared.

They heard a familiar cat hiss behind her, "Hands off my princess!" It was Cat Noir.

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