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Adrien was enjoying this a lot, especially with the food that was so delicious and satisfying his hunger, his father was very wrong about the human world. Not everyone was evil. Some were but not the entire humankind. Not unless they decide to choose good or evil. Humans and vampires have misunderstood one another. That's why his father can't see that there are no sides in a war.

He heard someone in the alley and he could see it was Felix in a cloak to protect himself from sunlight, "What the hell?"

"I'm not alone," Felix said and Nino was with him.

"Are you kidding me?" Adrien rolled his eyes and walked into the alley, "What are you doing in daylight? You could have been burned!"

"I got this cloak on," Felix said.

"And you're supposed to be asleep during the daylight hours," Adrien said, annoyed with his cousin's cockiness.

"What can I say? Insomnia" Felix replied.

"You don't have insomnia, Felix. You just can't seem to leave my ass alone again" Adrien said, munching on an apple.

"I can't because your dad forced me to keep an eye on you. Even if it means covering your ass for you without having him know your human obsession" Felix said.

"He's got a point," Nino said.

"I am not obsessed. I want to see how wrong my dad was about the human world. I'm nothing like him. Man, no wonder humans don't have fangs for biting hard" Adrien threw the apple core into the alley trash

"You seem to enjoy being one" Nino said.

"I am but it's just difficult without my powers to help me," Adrien said.

"I see. I guess you look forward to seeing Marinette" Nino said.

"Yes, but I'm scared if she thinks I'm a monster. I can't just bite her neck when she's asleep at night" Adrien said.

"Technically monsters are evil and you're not evil," Nino said.

"Thank you, Nino," Adrien said.

"Now come. You need to transform again at the mansion. I did cover your ass long enough but it won't be long if he busts in your life" Felix said.

"Fine. I don't want my old man to suspect a thing" Adrien said.

"Let's go," Nino said and went back into the alley.

Felix morphed into a cat to cover the cloak on himself from sunlight, "Carry me, man"

"Awww.... cute" Adrien picks him up.

"Don't call me cute" Cat Felix meowed.

"Couldn't resist" Adrien said.

Cat Felix hissed at him but Adrien hissed back to show dominance, "Humans can also hiss too. Be a nice kitty" Adrien chuckled and covered his furball with the cloak.

"You think this is funny?" Cat Felix growled.

"Hell yes" Adrien chuckled.

As they came to the mansion, Felix morphed back to human form and glared at Adrien, "Pet me again and I'll claw your ass"

"Try me," Adrien said.

"Now remove the bracelet. I can still hear your blood pumping in your veins. It's making my fangs wanna bite" Felix said.

Adrien took the bracelet off, turning back into a vampire. He forgot his sharp fangs all day, "Well, back to my old self" Adrien said.

"Yeah, now go back to sleep. I'll put your shopping bags away" Felix pushed Adrien into the coffin, "You need vampire sleep"

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