Satomi watched the conversation, stepping out from behind the plastic making herself known, "I know this man. He may not remember, but we've met before."

"You can trust him" Scott said, guessing Satomi knew Chris when he was a hunter, when all the Argent's were hunters "I trust him. Izzy trusts him."

"How do we know he's not like the other's?"

"What other's?" Chris questioned.

"Last night, there was a whole team after them" Kira informed Chris, bringing light onto the whole situation as to why they were pretty much caused Satomi's pack to be hiding out in the warehouse in the first place "And they used crossbows."

Kira handed Chris one of the arrow's that they managed to obtain from Satomi. Being an ex-hunter Chris definitely had the upper hand on identifying weather this was the work of hunters or hit men.

"There hunter's aren't they?" Isabella questioned.

"Not if they're killing for profit" Chris said "Not anymore."

From behind the plastic, Brett had been listening into the conversation the whole time, whole other people from the pack were in their own little conversations. Since Brett already knew Scott and Isabella from the Lacrosse game and that they saved him from being killed, which is why he was listening to the whole conversation. He waited for the right moment, Brett moved past the plastic pushing out to where the group was talking.

"Can they find us?" Brett questioned, a slight twinge of worry laced in his voice.

"They might already know your here" Chris answered honestly "Maybe they're waiting for dark."

"So we're not safe here?" Kira asked the two Alpha's, since the two of them seemed to be calling the shots surrounding what was happening currently.

"We're not safe anywhere" Satomi said, knowing they were under the microscope to all hunters "We've been trying to get out for days. Everywhere we turn, we find someone new trying to kill us."

Chris looked at the two Alpha's seeing the worry in their own eyes. It was clear what they were trying to do, but the only question was if they were going to be able to do exactly what they were wanting.

"If they're coming, you two" Chis said, addressing Isabella and Scott "They're coming for you too. Bella's still number one on the dead pool, Scott you're falling close behind her on second"

"I know" Scott replied, speaking for both Isabella and himself "We know Lydia can get the answers from Meredith. She just needs more time"

"Then that's what she'll get" Chris said.


Walking into the Loft, Isabella rolled her eyes seeing Peter sitting on the couch almost as if he was waiting for one of them to get back. Trying not to let him bother her, Isabella started walking around the loft cleaning some things up while Peter watched. She knew that Peter was watching her, Isabella always knew that Peter was watching her because recently that's pretty much all he was doing. One of the reasons Peter was constantly watching her was because he wanted to find out the secrets Isabella and Derek were keeping.

"You just gonna constantly watch me as I clean the loft?" Isabella questioned, as she pulled the duvet from the bed, getting ready to re-make it "Cause it's getting a little creepy, I'm not gonna lie"

"You finally going to spill as to why you're stress cleaning" Peter replied back.

Isabella scoffed, grabbing the pillows and fluffing them up before placing them back down "I'm not stress cleaning" she said, but it definitely didn't sound truthful "I'm just re-making the bed, it didn't look right"

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