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It was only meant to be a quick drop off for Joseph and it ended up behind a whole situation that Isabella was being dragged into

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It was only meant to be a quick drop off for Joseph and it ended up behind a whole situation that Isabella was being dragged into. She was seriously only allowed to have one night of pure bliss before everything came crashing down around her and she was pulled back into her reality that was trying to find out information about human sacrifices. Isabella had managed to give Joseph his food but was pulled outside by Scott and Stiles who needed to talk to Stilinksi about the on-call doctor that went missing and was most likely killed.

Noah Stilisnki and Melissa McCall stood facing the three teens as Scott and Stiles were explaining what they had seen. It was slightly difficult when they couldn't really spill about the supernatural because most of this was screaming out supernatural and it was deathly annoying Isabella. What was even more annoying was the fact, Isabella just wanted a calm night but she always had to remember that she was from Beacon Hills and she could never have a night like she had last night with Derek.

"They were both in the car?" Stilinski asked, trying to get as much information from the three teens as he possibly could.

"No dad, we're trying to tell you that there were two separate kidnappings, okay?" Stiles said, trying to get his father to understand everything he was saying, since Stiles had practically gotten more information than his father who was the Sheriff of Beacon Hills "Two doctors, both gone."

"So whose car is this?" Stilinski questioned, pointing towards the car.

"Dr Hilyard" Melissa answered that question, "The on-call doctor. The ER attending is the one that never made it in"

"Let me just focus on getting the story first, okay?" Stilinski said.

The small time his father and Melissa were talking, Stiles was pretty lost in thought that he had completely zoned out. Even when Stilinski told the teens to give him a minute with Melissa, Stiles was so in thought, Isabella had to practically move him away from his father so they could talk. Isabella looked at the hospital getting slightly worried since Joseph could maybe be classed in one of the categories that were being sacrificed and that was making Isabella worry so much. Yes Joseph knew about the supernatural but he had no idea about what had been happening in Beacon recently.

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