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Perishable-- Part One

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Perishable-- Part One

Apparently there wasn't any rest for the wicked, and Isabella had to learn all about that the hard way

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Apparently there wasn't any rest for the wicked, and Isabella had to learn all about that the hard way. Or more like a millions of messages from Stiles telling her everything that had happened while she was busy at the loft, locking herself away trying to help Derek. It was a chain of messages that Isabella sat and read while Derek was laying next to her still passed out. The roles of the two sleeping were now reversed, this time Derek was happily asleep while Isabella was wide awake, focusing all her attention on her phone instead of on Derek like it was just a couple of seconds ago. Looking down at Derek, Isabella smiled softly knowing Derek was worried about everything, especially Isabella since he was losing his wolf powers Derek wondered how he was going to be able to protect her. No matter how many times Isabella said that she didn't need protecting, Derek was always going to protect Isabella no matter what, it was a promise he was never ever going to break.

Picking up Derek's shirt from the floor, Isabella shrugged it over her head letting it fall around her body, covering it from the cold air. Her feet started padding across the floor of the loft and straight towards the bathroom closing the door behind her. Isabella moved straight towards the mirror, staring at her reflection letting out a verbal sigh and closing her eyes for a split second. Letting her eyes slowly open, staring back at Isabella were blood red glowing eyes, the eyes of an alpha, the colour eyes that constantly haunt Isabella no matter how many times she tries to forget. Blinking a couple of times more, Isabella was greeted with her green eyes, but something still didn't feel right. Lifting up her hand, Isabella fluttered her fingers watching her claws escape her nail beds, before quickly disappearing as if they were never there. From the mirror, Isabella saw Braden standing behind her, completely dressed in her mercenary outfit, but it looked slightly dishevelled as if Braden had been dragged through a bush.

"You have seriously done a number on the poor Hale's back" Braden commented, as she began fixing her hair in the mirror "Did your claws come out or something?"

"Urm, what?" Isabella asked, her hand moving up to her eye, rubbing it slightly "What are you talking about?"

"Go take a look at your fiance's back" Braden said, yet again having to tell Isabella to go and do something. "Also take the bed no way am I sleeping on that riddled thing"

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