chapter 22

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Previous: This was bad. This was really, really bad.

"I can't believe this..." He whispered to himself as he removed his arm from his eyes to rub them gently with the fingers of both hands. Had he really developed feelings for Luffy? After just one weekend that had been, to put it frankly, a walk through hell? Feelings... Even the word itself was enough to make Law flinch. But it was still pretty damn hard to think straight when his heart and his mind were pulling him in different directions, and even though Law was a man who would rather listen to his mind than to his heart, it was definitely easier said than done in this case. Law felt utterly betrayed by his own emotions.

The twenty-six-year-old inhaled a deep breath of air before he allowed the truth to rush over him like a cold wave of icy water.

"Shit..." Law groaned. "...I think I have feelings for Luffy..."

Admitting this to himself had just cost Law a huge amount of his pride. But there was really no point in ignoring it. Law's life had been shaped by loneliness, little emotion and a cold environment. There had never been anyone in his life that even deserved any kinds of feelings from him - Until his encounter with Luffy, of course.

Luffy had given him a taste of a different side of his life. The dark-haired teen had been unpredictable and wild, always finding a way to astonish Law - even if it had been because of Luffy's stupidity most of he time, but still.

And that night when Luffy had literally disappeared from his view, for the very first time in his life, Law had actually been scared. Scared, because all he had done was standing there and letting the only person that somehow brightened his past days up walk away from him. He gritted his teeth at the memory, feeling a sharp pain in his chest.

Law rolled on his side, the mattress creaking slightly because of his movements, and opened the upper drawer of the nightstand next to his bed. He rummaged through it until he felt his fingertips touching the object of his desire.

He laid down on his back again and held the golden ring an arm's length away from his face, his eyes boring into it.

He remembered how he had taken it off immediately once he'd got home. It had been a rather painful experience considering how tightly the ring had clutched to the skin of his finger, but it had been nothing a little cooking oil and sheer violence couldn't have solved. The next day Law had gotten a call from someone in Dressrosa saying that his marriage had been successfully annulled. Law hadn't given it any second thought actually. He had expected this anyway. He had definitely threatened enough people for this. And whenever someone as scary and dark as Trafalgar Law himself was threatening you, then you didn't even think about dismissing them.

"You little piece of trash," Law muttered to the ring, not really minding how stupid he must look talking to an inanimate object as if it was his public enemy number one. "This is all your fault."

Of course there was no use in blaming this tiny thing for all of his problems, but for some reasons it made Law feel better to avoid his responsibilities and just blame someone else for it. Or, as in his case right now, something else.

He moved the ring around, examining all sides of it. It was a rather plain, golden ring. No unnecessary details, no weird engravings and no ugly extras. Just a simple band. Somehow Law couldn't help but smile at the fact how simple this ring was when Luffy himself had been everything but simple. If it had been up the teen, Law was sure than instead of a plain, golden ring he'd be holding a really weird shit excuse of a ring in his hand right now. Probably those with three different colors and fucking ugly sparkling diamonds on top.


Wait a second.

Did that mean-?!

The ring slipped from Law's fingers and landed right on the man's face, just half an inch away from his left eye. With fumbling hands, Law grabbed it again and looked at it, a horrifying realization creeping into his mind.

Did that mean... Did that mean that Law had bought this ring for Luffy?!

His eyes expanded slightly in size, his mouth hanging dumbly open. Law was completely speechless. He sure had paid for the ring, since Luffy hadn't even carried a single cent with him.

He quickly shoved the ring under his pillow. There was no way he would want to look at this piece of junk for one more second.

"Fuck..." Law rubbed his face slightly, hoping it would someone erase his previous thoughts from his mind. "I want to see him, but..." He removed his hand and stared up at the ceiling again. "...How?"

The question was far more difficult than it seemed. After all, he didn't know where exactly Luffy lived. Near the station, okay, but he couldn't just walk around the station hoping that he'd coincidentally run into Luffy. Also just... searching for him would be more than just weird.

Had Luffy really never given him his address? Or his phone number? That would have made everything much easier. But then again, Luffy wasn't 'easy' by any means.

Law closed his eyes in contemplation. He had to do something. But what?

Suddenly, a moment of clarity rushed over him as his grey eyes immediately shot open again.

Luffy hadn't given him his number... But Law still had it! Yes, Luffy did call his own phone with Law's back at their hotel room when he was searching for his phone!

By that logic, Luffy's number must still be on his phone!

Without wasting another second, Law jumped out of his bed and sprinted to the kitchen where the wanted object was lying on the kitchen table. He felt a little bit of nervousness beginning to grow inside him as his eyes locked with his phone. Law gulped. He couldn't do more than just hoping Luffy's number was actually still on it.

Law took his phone with slightly trembling fingers. He scrolled through his previously called contacts and noticed a long phone number from only a few days ago. Considering the last person Law had called had been Penguin and no one else, this had to be Luffy's number.

The tall man pulled one of his kitchen chairs back, a loud sound reaching his ears as the chair was being dragged across the floor. He sat down and just looked at the number without calling Luffy right away.

What was he even supposed to say? Could he just tell Luffy that he was missing the other man? Fuck, what if Luffy didn't even care for Law anymore? Maybe he had been a nice source of entertainment over the weekend, but nothing more to the other male. Could Law handle a rejection? Could he?

It was absolutely ridiculous. Never before in his life had Law worried so much over a simple phone call. He felt like a lovesick High School student, oh god, this was beyond terrible.

To be continued...

(This is where our chapter ends. Thankyou for reading and I hope you all liked it )

Word count 1243

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