chapter 11

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Previous: Luffy smiled at Law. It didn't really matter where they went, Luffy would probably find a good way of enjoying himself.

two hours later Luffy found himself standing in front of the aforementioned building.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Law? I thought when you talked about some building you wanted to visit you had that Colosseum in mind!"

Law rolled his eyes for what felt like the hundredth time already "Please don't tell me you are interested in ancient monuments, I'm not buying that."

"But seriously Law, a library?!" Luffy spat out the last word as if it was venom in his mouth. "That's your idea of having fun?! Don't you have a life?!"

"Shut up. They have a huge variety of medical books that I want to take a look at." He entered the library, holding the old looking wooden door open for Luffy. "I'm pretty sure they've got something for you to read as well. What kind of books do you read?"

Luffy shrugged his shoulders. "Comics."

"How come I'm not surprised?" Law wanted to sound annoyed, but he couldn't deny that the boy was amusing him greatly somehow.

When he was inside, Luffy was actually surprised to see that there were quite a lot people at the library, reading books or searching for the right books to read. Well, not like he had ever been to a library before...

"You can search for your comics over there." Law pointed somewhere at the right side of the huge library. "I'll come to pick you up once I've found a certain book I'm looking for, okay?"

Law turned to look at Luffy who just smiled brightly at him, nodding his head exaggeratedly. But for Law, it just felt like that smile didn't promise anything good. Did the boy even listen to him? He grabbed Luffy by his shoulders, pulling him closer to himself to look him straight into the eyes, his gaze serious.

"Luffy, just..." he inhaled and exhaled deeply "...promise me to not cause any trouble." He had the feeling that leaving the hyper boy alone was far from a good idea, even if it was just for a few minutes.

"I promise!" Luffy grinned a mischievous grin up at Law who guessed that he was doing it on purpose, just to tease Law.

Without wanting to think about it more than he needed to, Law moved around in the library, searching for the book he wanted. It didn't take a long time for Law to find the book he was looking for in one of the huge shelves. Honestly, he didn't really expect he would find it here. Sure, the library had a reputation of being one of the best ones in the whole country, but Law had never been able to find this damn book anywhere! He grabbed the right one immediately and returned to where he had left Luffy not more than five minutes ago. Law really didn't like the thought of leaving Luffy alone at a place like this, so he quickened his pace. What if Luffy ran off and got lost? Or randomly ripped pages out of books just for fun? Law wouldn't even be surprised if he did the last thing...

However, when Law returned to the spot he left Luffy at, he was relieved to see him still standing there, right where he left him. But...

Why the fuck was he surrounded by so many children?

"Hey Law!" Luffy yelled on top of his lungs when he spotted Law and waved his hands wildly in the air, gesturing for him to come closer. Some people turned around in their seats and hissed a short "Shht!" at Luffy, but the young man either didn't notice them or he didn't care. Didn't this idiot know that a library is not a place where you could mindlessly shout like crazy?

Luffy approached Law with big steps and grabbed him by his right arm, tugging him along with him as he returned to the children who were happily sitting in a circle on the ground.

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