chapter 12

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Previous: Law travelled his finger along on the kid's chest with his words for emphasis.

Law's gentle smile turned into a cruel one as he leaned in to whisper into the boy's ear. "Last week I had a boy your age on my table." The little boy was shaking from head to toe. "It was a fun operation." This time, Law actually did smile genuinely at the boy, just to fuck with his head, as he moved away again.

The boy kept looking at Law, his idolized image of the doctor shattering into thousand tiny pieces. He took a few steps back slowly, still looking at Law, before he turned around and ran off.

Law watched the scared maggot running off into the distance, an amused and proud grin grazing his lips. Without that little pain in the ass, Law was finally able to continue reading where he had stopped before that kid arrived and decided to annoy the shit out of him.

But if Law thought he wouldn't be disturbed by anyone else, he was sadly mistaken.

Law didn't even get the chance to read more than three more pages until he felt two people leaning over his shoulders, blocking the light. He turned around and saw two little girls, one with short brown, the other with long blonde hair - both probably around four years old. Law glared murder at them but the girls were too distracted by the doctor's book to even notice it.

"What's up with that man?" the blonde girl asked, pointing her finger at a picture in Law's book. It was a picture of a man with a necrotic leg wound.

"Did he paint his leg black?" the other girl asked curiously. They both looked at Law expectantly from both sides of his shoulder and Law wasn't really too sure where to look.

"No, he didn't paint it black." Law started again. Of course he didn't expect them to have a high medical knowledge, but if those girls wanted an answer, then Law would make damn sure to give them an answer

"The blood circulation in his leg is disturbed." Law began and turned around so that he could watch both girl's reactions properly. However, they just looked at him with blank expression, obviously not able to understand one word of what the doctor in front of them was saying, but at least the cold gaze of Law's eyes was enough to shut them up. Law then decided to explain it a little bit more child-friendly.

"His leg is dead. They probably had to chop it off." Now that was something the girls understood. Law watched the blonde's mouth hanging open in shock and the brunette was even trembling a little bit. They continued to stare at Law for a second, completely silent, before they turned around on shaky legs and left him alone.

Hey...this was actually starting to be fun!

He turned to his book again, enjoying the silence. However, that silence didn't last for more than one minute until Law heard someone munching right next to him. He moved his eyes to the right and saw a chubby boy, probably aged six, standing next to him eating a chocolate bar. Some of the chocolate had already melted and smeared both, the boy's mouth and his fingers.

He walked up to Law at and looked at his book as well before moving a dirty finger to press it on a picture of a man suffering from Hemorrhagic fevers.

"What's up with that guy?" he asked, some chocolate falling out of his mouth as he kept talking with his mouth full. Law felt completely disgusted but he was glad the boy picked this out of all pictures.

He leaned down to whisper into the boy's ear. "He suffers from a disease that slowly thins out your blood until it begins to seep out of every pore of your body." The boy winced a little but didn't move, he was probably petrified from shock.

His mouth stopped chewing and he just looked right into Law's eyes, the images in his head disturbing him. He gulped before he moved his mouth to speak again. "W-What...What happened t-then?" he asked, breathing heavily.

Law's face was blank and unimpressed, as if talking about blood leaking out of your body in front of children was an everyday thing to him. "He's probably six feet under, there is no cure." He then moved his tattooed finger to point at the boy's chocolate bar. "Keep stuffing yourself full with that unhealthy shit and you'll be joining him soon."

The boy's eyes teared up as he dropped his chocolate bar and ran off, just like the other children before him.

Oh God, it had been a long time since Law had so much fun!

Another little girl approached Law and Law was seriously starting to wonder why there were still children coming to him.

"Mister Doctor, how can I prevent myself from getting this sickness?" she looked at a picture of a woman suffering from Chlamydiaceae.

"Don't let anyone who carries the disease fuck you." The girl's feet gave out and she landed on her butt, staring up at the doctor before slowly getting up again, crying.

Man, Law was having the best time of his life!

(I don't know anything about medical as I'm a freshman in computer science but my sister who is in her final year of medical told me that this is how they had fun, they scare kids for fun 😭😂😂)

"Law!" a loud voice that Law knew too well interrupted him. He saw Luffy walking up to him, without a book in his hands.

"I couldn't find a book, everything here is way too boring...Hey Law, where did all the children go?" Luffy asked curiously as he turned his head from side to side, looking for the children he left with Law, but couldn't find any.

"I don't know." the taller man lied. "They probably had to go."

Luffy grinned up at Law, obviously believing the older man's words. Law was surprised how trustworthy Luffy was.

Suddenly, a loud growling noise disturbed the silence.

Luffy looked down at his belly, his expression almost sad. "Man, it's been two hours since I last ate something..."

Law couldn't help but smile at this and took Luffy's hand into his own. "Then let's go an eat something. I don't really feel like staying here anyway and we also have to buy train tickets for tomorrow."

Luffy grinned up at him, cheekily. "You mean you have to buy the tickets. I have no money, remember

Law was actually happy when they returned to their hotel room again. He half expected some angry parent to chase him out of the city, but the kids were probably too traumatized to even open their mouths for the next two weeks.

He sat down on the bed, waiting for Luffy to join him. Today was their last full day here at Dressrosa and both males were more than aware of it.

"Daaaamn, I'm exhausted!" The younger whined as he walked down the room, aiming for where Law was sitting on the bed. "That was way too much walking for one day."

Luffy then gave Law the most genuine smile he had ever seen, and Law actually felt his heart flutter a little. He motioned to that empty spot on the mattress right next to him, indicating for Luffy to sit down, while he himself stood up and moved to their mini bar.

When Luffy sat down on the mattress, it felt like sinking into a cloud. He didn't really pay that much attention to the material, so he never noticed how soft it actually was.

Law returned some moments later with two glasses filled with a deep red wine and proffered one of them to Luffy. He took it, even though he had never really been that much of a wine lover. He experimentally took a sip and was pleased when he found out that it didn't taste that bad. In fact, it had quite a sweet taste, much to Luffy's pleasure.

Law leaned forward and set his own wine down on the small table by his side. In so doing, he moved his body closer to Luffy's.

"I've settled everything." he looked sidewise at Luffy. Luffy followed his motion with his eyes, and then slowly trailed them up his chest to Law's flawless face.

"I already got the train tickets and got a call from someone saying that our 'marriage' will be annulled tomorrow." he watched Luffy's face carefully for his reaction.

Luffy took another sip of his wine, the liquid filling his stomach with a nice, warm feeling. Suddenly, a big grin grazed his features. "Bummer." Luffy let out a small laugh. "Got to confess, I was kinda enjoying this."

To be continued...

(This is where our chapter ends. Thankyou for reading and I hope you all liked it )

Word count 1507

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